Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas!

 Happy Holidays! 

I knew I would be cooking plenty on Christmas Day, so we had our special red and green pancakes on Christmas Eve morning.  H loved the H on his!

On the day after Christmas, we had a feast of chickenturk (turkey), cornerbread (corn bread dressing), and comma pie (pecan pie).  Very yummy!

 C was having a Linus kind of morning bringing his blankie and owl around with him all morning.  I guess we can all use a little extra comfort some days. 

 Ready to go to Christmas Eve church.  I know I can't dress H like this too much longer, but I was so happy to find matching Christmas outfits for the boys.  I think they look pretty cute!

 When we got to church C had to bring his glasses and harmonica.  He entertained everyone with his songs and props.

 The whole gang was in the manger waiting for baby Jesus.  We had a birthday cake for Baby Jesus this year. 

 Santa brought the boys a joint gift this year - a zoo and some Anamalz.  Our woodworking neighbors helped Santa put together the zoo.  I think they did a pretty good job!

 Santa brought me a stomach bug in the wee hours of Christmas morning, so I spent most of Christmas on the couch or in the bed, but I think the boys had a pretty good day regardless.  

I had made the boys some matching pajamas, and they were had a great time being dinosaurs growling around the house. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was a good day for two boys. Sorry you were under the weather.

