Monday, April 8, 2013


 The other day we made some 'noculars (binoculars) with toilet paper rolls.  A quick, easy, and fun craft!  The boys colored the rolls, put stickers on them, we taped them together and attached a string, and we were ready to go 'sploring (exploring)!

 H's 'noculars had Cars stickers all over them.  He checked the sky for birds or butterflies.

 C checked out the yard for cats or reindeer (deer).

 H thought he found a bear in the jungle!

C found some flowers to pick
(one petal at a time...)

C got over the excitement of exploring very quickly.
He has moments where he feels very "two."

Tatum didn't want to be left out!

H also found a deep river to jump over! 

1 comment:

  1. Your boys are blessed to have you for their mother. You give them so many good experiences. You're a good influence on them. On me too!

