Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day

 Yesterday was the official first day of school for me and the boys.  They were excited!  I was so glad we had about a week to adjust to the routine, for both them and me, and now school has begun!  For H, that meant mostly the same routine but with curriculum now.  For C, there was no change.  For me, that meant that students are here!  And it makes me happy all over again to be on this side of education, no longer a student myself!

 It is getting difficult to get a good picture of the boys these days!  They are so busy!  They both wanted to wear their owl shirts.  Now, if one boy gets a snack in a particular bag, or is doing a particular activity, or is wearing a particular item of clothing, the other boys simply must do/have/wear the same thing!  I am having to either prepare/buy everything in sets of two, or deal with the fallout after telling one boy that it is his brothers turn....

 Happy to be in school!   
H has the routine down.  On Saturday he asked me if I was going to be his teacher that day and told me what the routine should be.

 Some of H's art, he likes to cut off scraps of paper and draw on them.  Not sure what the top one is, the purple piece he said was a butterfly bed, the bottom one is a red footprint pulling a car. 

Yesterdays pile of paper from school.  
He brings home at least 3-5 papers with art each day!  He is signing most of his papers "H 4" for his name and age.  How cute!  

(C is drawing too, they just all look the same! Scribble, scribble!)

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