Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Children's Museum

One of H's buddies from school had a birthday party at The Children's Museum this weekend.  H was so excited!  He was talking about it all week long!  I've wanted to go for awhile, but when we lived in Monroe before, H was too young to be able to enjoy it, and we just hadn't had the chance to go since we moved back, so this was the perfect opportunity, and both boys were at a great age to enjoy it!
There were so many fun kid activities to do.  The boys checked out each and every one.

They had a kayak set up in front of a blue screen, so that when you looked at the TV screen it looked like you were really going down a river.  The boys kept looking behind them like they were trying to figure out where the river came from. 

 Bubbles!  There were all kinds of bubble activities - little ones, a big tray of bubble shapes and this huge one!  We only got the bubble all the way around them once, after that C kept popping the bubble once it got to him.  So cool!  H really mastered the slow speed necessary to make the bubble form without popping it. 

 There was a fire/police station with a jail and a fire pole to slide down from upstairs.  H (who has no fear) would come speeding down the pole with no assistance.  C (who has fear) only did it once or twice with much assistance.  I hope H has strong bones!  He is a daredevil!

 There was water and sand play.

And an ambulance and a police car to ride in/climb all over.

And a giant pin art toy.  The boys smushed their whole bodies into it to make the impression.
They are already talking about going again.  What fun!

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