Tuesday, October 23, 2012

An apple a day

 I got a five pound bag of little apples one time on a whim, and I think it was C that discovered them.  The boys have been hooked ever since!  We all typically have one a day, so we go through that bag of apples fairly quickly!  Since the apple juice dribbling down their chin can stain light colored shirts, I try to make sure they are in dark shirts.  Or, if the weather is nice like it was today, no shirts! 

H ate his while riding on the plasma car.

 C enjoyed his while on the Radio Flyer sit-n-scoot.
When C eats an apple, you have to get it started for him, also he takes a bite and then chews on it until he has eaten all of the pulp off - then spits out the skin. (Another reason why it is best to eat apples outside!)

 It was so nice and quiet (for about five minutes) while their mouths were busy eating and their bodies were busy scooting!  I could actually think clear for a minute!

 Then they got busy again!  H likes to love on brother and make him laugh and get a reaction out of him.  C doesn't always like this.... he has started to fuss most anytime when H holds onto him for too long....I don't think I blame him! 

 H spent a little time marching back and forth on the bench singing the ABC's.  He paused to sign "I Love You" for PawPaw and GrandMissy.
(His teachers have asked me to come to the school on Fridays to teach all of the students (all 90 three and four year olds) the signs to "Silent Night."  I'm anxious to see how that goes!)

 Bubba is "so big!"
He usually does it with two arms, but didn't want to drop his apple today!

H was making apple prints with his apple core. 
 I'm sure the ants will love that sticky trail tonight!  

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