Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hoo Hoo

SweetHart made these little owls from the same yarn of H's blankies when he was just a baby.  For whatever reason, H never became too attached to them.  C found them one day in a toy box and has been attached ever since!  I guess they are just the right size/shape, and he loves to hold on to the little threads on the corners of them.  If he has his blankie and an owl, he is ready to go to bed!  I found him the other night deep asleep with both owls and blankies.  He's serious about his lovies!  And he likes to say "hoo-hoo" when we talk about his owls..

Sick boys

Sickboys, but still happy boys!  Lots of pajamas, blankies, and a few extra shows in the last few days.  They both had croup, and then fevers off and on.  We are ready to be well!

 They were enjoying being silly and lounging around together.

 C is just now starting to show a bit of an interest in what is happening on the tv... Up until now he could care less that the tv was on.  We might have to alter H's tv times!  I'm not quite ready for C to be watching regular shows yet. 

I love you, brother!

Thankfully, everyone is feeling a little better.  Today we went to a little park and had a great time.  After about thirty minutes, though, C just wanted to be held, and H started getting clumsy, so we headed back home to recuperate a little bit more.  I'm hoping we will be back in the swing of things by Monday! I would hate for H to miss another day of school!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


 We are ready to be totally over sickness and back to our regular fun stuff!  Last week H had the stomach bug, then I got it this weekend (Happy Anniversary, honey!), then C got the croup. and now H has it!  And tomorrow is fireman day at school!  So sad to miss all of this fun stuff!  We are so ready to be back to 100%.

 C, ready to play!  Have I mentioned before his love of helmets?

H, ready for school on Wednesday.   Isn't he cute!  I love how he wears his school bag around his neck instead of his arm!

We're ready!
(for health, and a good night's sleep!)

Sunday, September 23, 2012


 On the way home from church today, we stopped by a cotton field to check out some cotton bales. 

 H was so happy about the cotton!  He put it in his hand and tried to blow it off like bubbles in a bubble bath.  He enjoyed touching and feeling the cotton, picking all the little leaves and things out of it. 

 C was not so sure about it....  for being such a happy and friendly little guy, he get's a little nervous around different animals, critters, and apparently - cotton!  He wasn't interested in touching it or getting too close to it!  Anytime we would try to move him closer, he would whine a little bit and move away!

 This is the look I got from H when I asked him to say cheese!

 "Say Cheese!"
Version one

 "Say Cheese!"
Version two

 "Say Cheese!"
Version Three

 Cotton!  Ooooh!

H couldn't resist the chance to sink his feet into the cotton before we left!  I imagine he would have been rolling in the cotton if we would have let him! H wanted to stop and check out every row of cotton bales we passed by on the way home!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Decker bus and 'cycling tour

 We met early this morning for a ride on the Double Decker bus and a tour of the local recycling center. All of H's buddies were there! 
He was so happy to see everyone, especially Sawyer, one of his little girlfriends from school! (In the pink skirt - speaking of girlfriends, after the tour I told H to go tell the woman thank you, and he did (with conviction, I guess) and the woman said "I'll bet he's a ladies man!") 

 The boys waving to everyone from the top of the bus!  We passed through the school on the way back, and Daddy came out from his office to wave at us!

 Listening to the lady.

 Back on the bus (holding on for dear life to his empty snack cup.  I was just envisioning C dropping it on a passersby head!)

The Moms and Tots back on the bus. A fun little excursion.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


 What do you think they are plotting?

H got the stomach bug this weekend, so we were busy loving and cleaning!  The only nice things about having a sick little one are the extra snuggles and that they don't have the energy to be naughty!
But, he's back to normal now, so he and H were outside plotting their next move this morning!  What will they think of next?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pep Rally

 With another home game this weekend, there was a Pep Rally scheduled on the square.  We decided to take the boys and see what they thought!  I probably haven't been to a pep rally since high school, and this was a little different!  Much more fun that I remember....  They boys had a blast!  I'm not sure if I've ever seen H this happy where there is not a bounce house involved. 

 The pep rally was at the courthouse on the square.  There were a lot of students, families, and Ole Miss supporters. 

 C loves his hats!  He wanted to bring a bicycle helmet, but we settled on a different hat.  Somehow he ended up with Daddy's hat on.  He didn't quite get high enough to see the band but seemed to enjoy the music.

 H had a tight grip on Daddy's hair!  Oxford knows how to support their team!  The double decker buses were out in support.

 Go Rebs! 
Watching the cheerleaders in the background.

 Us and Colonel Reb.
C wasn't too sure about him!

 We met up with our friends and neighbors (Baby Lee and his parents) and then headed over for a bite to eat.

The boys all kept us entertained at Irie's.  I'm sure Nathan's colleagues weren't expecting the under 4 crowd to join them tonight, but they were good sports and actually seemed to enjoy making the boys laugh.  But, nobody was too sad when we had to leave for bedtimes!  

Maybe we'll make it out to the Grove again on Saturday.  

Go Rebels!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Let's go for a ride!

 "Aye, aye, aye, aye!"
(Come on guys, let's go for a ride!)

 Let's go this way!  Let's go zoom!

 With his helmet on backwards, one of the ties was tickling his lip.  He didn't seem to mind, though!

 We only went down the block, but probably stopped about 10 times to check out rocks, sticks, leaves, flowers and seeds!  It's okay though, we weren't really going for any destination.

He doesn't like it if you buckle the helmet on, he just likes to hold it on his head.  He looks very serious, but I know he was having a good time!  I also know he'll be happy when he can ride his own bike!

Watch me ride!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Precious Angels

 They don't look like they'd ever do anything wrong...
Do they?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

At the Grove

 Today was a home game at Ole Miss so we headed over to the Grove (Oxford's version of tailgating) for a little bit of fun!

 H "helped" arrange all the chairs together "so we can all sit next to each other!"

 C had his eye on the food! 
This boys loves food!

 H didn't move too far from the bbq chips - we don't have these much (ever) at home, so he was pretty happy to munch on them!

 C was also pretty happy to drink some juice straight from the juice box!  Special treats today!

 A little makeshift art studio

 Riding in Henry's wagon. 

 Hey, you!

 C, trying to pull H in the wagon...
Shouldn't it be the other way around?

We had a fun morning!  C and I came home for a little nap and then will head back over to get Daddy and brother from the Grove.  Good day!


Friday, September 7, 2012

My Morning Helper/entertainer

C and I keep each other company on mornings when H is in school.  This morning when I was getting ready for the day, C was in the bathroom with me 'blowing' his nose and putting the tiny scraps in the toilet.  I'd noticed we were going through toilet paper a little faster lately....  This is the hat that C likes to wear around the house.  

(Sorry for the sideways video - I took it on my iPod!)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


 I was cleaning out the memory card for my camera today....

 It's hard to imagine that this little one:

really looked like this:

not very long ago!

I can't even imagine where we will be in another year!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Maybe the years last swim?

 We've been gone or too busy, or it's been too rainy the last few weekends to get the pool out, so we really wanted to this weekend, and then I think we will probably dry out the pool and store it until next summer!
The boys really enjoyed having it back out!  They both even figured out how to use their floaties to create pretty big waves in the pool.

 H:  "Cheese!"  C: "Eeeee!"

 This little guy is looking a little more mature these days.  He has also become quite the charmer!

 Swimming break!  
H was walking the "balance beam" and C was trying desparately hard to climb up too!

 Back in the water!  It was a little too cool for me today.  H was going round and round and round and round....

C was really enjoying laying back and dipping his head in the water.  We were worried he would tip over, but he never did.  Just enjoying the sun and the water!
