Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Children's Museum

One of H's buddies from school had a birthday party at The Children's Museum this weekend.  H was so excited!  He was talking about it all week long!  I've wanted to go for awhile, but when we lived in Monroe before, H was too young to be able to enjoy it, and we just hadn't had the chance to go since we moved back, so this was the perfect opportunity, and both boys were at a great age to enjoy it!
There were so many fun kid activities to do.  The boys checked out each and every one.

They had a kayak set up in front of a blue screen, so that when you looked at the TV screen it looked like you were really going down a river.  The boys kept looking behind them like they were trying to figure out where the river came from. 

 Bubbles!  There were all kinds of bubble activities - little ones, a big tray of bubble shapes and this huge one!  We only got the bubble all the way around them once, after that C kept popping the bubble once it got to him.  So cool!  H really mastered the slow speed necessary to make the bubble form without popping it. 

 There was a fire/police station with a jail and a fire pole to slide down from upstairs.  H (who has no fear) would come speeding down the pole with no assistance.  C (who has fear) only did it once or twice with much assistance.  I hope H has strong bones!  He is a daredevil!

 There was water and sand play.

And an ambulance and a police car to ride in/climb all over.

And a giant pin art toy.  The boys smushed their whole bodies into it to make the impression.
They are already talking about going again.  What fun!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Watching a Saturday morning show.  
I suppose the couch was too comfy...
The boys still love the bilibos after a couple of years! 
C now uses the phrase "postabee" (Supposed to be)  I'm pretty sure I didn't use it when I was two! 

 One part bedhead, two parts honey = crazy hair!
C got a little up close and personal with his biscuit and honey for breakfast.  We had a lot of work to do on that before we went to church on Sunday!

 Making muffins with my two helpers.  
Flour was everywhere! But we had some yummy caramel apple muffins to show for it!

 I went to check on the boys after bedtime one night, and found H reading in his bed with his lantern. Sneaky boy!  Now it has become part of his ritual to read for a few minutes after bedtime by lantern light. 

 100's Day!
H has been talking about the 100's Day party at school since day one!  Most mornings when I drop them off at school, we have to make a stop by the Popcorn board (they are counting down with popcorn) to see "how many days I have."  H's teacher told me he got in a little trouble one morning because he took C through the bathrooms to get to his classroom to show C how many pieces of popcorn were on the board (they were not supposed to be in there by themselves).  
He also likes everything to fit neatly together.  His stars are all compressed in one corner of the poster, I ended up cutting it down to make it look less squished.  He wrote 100 STARS (with backwards S's)

 These cool dudes!
Enjoying snacks and sunshine at the playground.

 Tatum, also enjoying some sunshine!  He shivers if its cold, but if the sun is shining and it is a little bit warm, he loves to sit by the front door and soak it up!

Fun at Forsythe Park after running some errands.  We had gotten some CinniMini's from McDonalds.   
Lately H has started backing up what he thinks by saying "God says that...." And sometimes its even "God and the angels say that...."  This morning it was "God says that you have to get CinniMini's and go to the park."  And we did!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Kiwi Crate: Secret Agent

 Have I mentioned how much we love the Kiwi Crate?  
This months was no different!  The theme was Secret Agents, and we had such a fun time putting together the kit, surprising each other with our disguises and spying on each other!
(C loves his accessories!  He's been seen walking around the house with his "ribbit" backpack, ribbit goggles and bike helmet)

 Secret Agent C
(There is a bow under the hat)  I had to help him a little with placement, his disguise was starting to look a little Picasso-ish.

 Secret Agent H
He was convinced that his disguise needed to have a phone and a "camera" (the ID card)

 There was also a secret code pen in the kit, where the ink was only visible with the black light.  Both boys really enjoyed it.  After using the light to see what C drew, I also noticed that he had drawn on the table too!

Using the periscope to spy!   We did a lot of spying on each other, on birds outside, on Tatum, and on the couch and other household items. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Black Bayou (SweetHart and KK, part 2)

 Getting in the car to head to Black Bayou.  
C was "helping" SweetHart get everything loaded in. 

We brought our binoculars, the boys had a great time using them to spot things.  We had to work with C that he couldn't walk while using them... Tough lessons!

As usual, we had to check out all of the benches and signs.  
Made for a good and quick photo opportunity.

 We saw some animal (raccoon?) tracks. 

 Checking out the ducks and heron.  I'm surprised that we didn't lose any of the binoculars into the bayou.

 Taking a "picture" of the pretty scenery with KK.

 I never get tired of how beautiful it is at Black Bayou.  

 Riding the turtle, C saw it and said "It not bite you."  
It must have looked a little menacing to a two year old.

 Of course, no visit to Black Bayou is complete without a talent show at the amphitheater. 
 Everyone gave a rousing performance. 

Come again soon!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

SweetHart and KK, Part 1

We had such a great visit with SweetHart and KK!  It started a little rocky/late due to some bad weather, a canceled flight, and an overnight stay for them in Atlanta, but they finally made it and we had a great time!

Puzzle time with KK, C, and Tatum!

 Story time!  I was off of story time while KK and SweetHart were here.  They picked out our first chapter book from the library - Gum Girl.  The boys have really enjoyed reading it, one chapter at a time.  Makes me want to find some more similar chapter books.  They were able to have a special day with each boy, they took them to the library, to visit Nanny, to get pizza or BBQ for lunch, and other fun outings.

 Turtle time!  C had a fun time making himself and everyone else into a turtle with the bilibo.

 Zingo time!  One of our favorite games around here is Zingo.  We all love it, and KK and SweetHart joined right in on the fun!  It can get pretty wild!

Breakfast time!
I guess at this point they were playing with the "snow."  
The boys kept us all entertained, and it was nice for me to have them here too!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


 Make yourself comfortable, Tatum!
C and H didn't seem to be uncomfortable or to mind that Tatum was sitting right on them!
C and Tatum have been best buddies pretty much as long as we've had Tatum.  They play, pal around and wrestle a lot!  So much, that I have a hard time drawing a line between what is reasonable, or just to let it be because they are both having a great time.... I do draw the line at too many kisses though.

 Two boys in pjs, two capes, two glow sticks, one owl lantern, an empty box = lots of fun!

How "Shupah Charwee" wears his cape. 

 A springlike, beautiful, 60 degree afternoon was just the perfect time for a ride in the bike trailer!
With some toys, of course.  I just need to figure a way to let Tatum come with us without worrying that he will run off or knock us over....

 H decided he wanted C to sit in his lap so he could read the bedtime story.  So sweet! 
He decided to read what he calls "Mother Brown" (Who's been in my house?  A story about Old McDonald's wife.  Not sure where he got Mother Brown from...)  H was so pleased with himself, and C loved it too.  I do love these boys!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Kiwi Crate love

For Christmas, SweetHart got us a subscription to Kiwi Crate.  I had been seeing them on blogs, and thought they looked so great!  We've gotten two of them now, and they live up to their reputation!  Creative activities that the boys can do with minimal adult help, great quality supplies, we all love the "Kewey" (Kiwi - H) crate.
 Our first one had cute little puppets to color, a puppet show to assemble and decorate scenes for, and a cute puppet.

 It was so fun to put together.  They even made the puppet with extra shoes so you can change them out.  It comes with all the supplies you need, and plenty to do, so both boys are happily occupied.

C, having a great time coloring his scene.  Somehow he colored his face too...

Our next Kiwi Crate had a winter theme.  Polar bear ears and mitts to make a ball throwing game.  They sewed their mitts together by themselves and then added velcro to the ball, and velcro Polar bear paws to the mitts.  H did good with placement on his mitt, C looked like he was trying hard to follow the placement on the picture, but his paw looks like it ran into a bit of a landslide. 

 Window clings!  The crate had cute little stencils and 3D paint to follow the stencil and let dry.  I was a little skeptical that they would hold together, but they did!  The boys were proud of their work.  Of course, they didn't look too much like the seal, whale, or polar bear that they were supposed to be, but I think they turned out very well.  There is plenty of paint left over, so I think we will have to make some more!  

There are bits of facts in the booklets that come with the crate, and fun extension activities.  This last one had facts about snowflakes, crystals and polar bears, and had directions and a cookie cutter to make snowflake sugar cookies and borax crystal snowflakes.  We are already looking forward to the next Kiwi Crate to arrive!


Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Year snapshots

My sunshine when clouds are gray.  
My wild one, he always seems to be in motion, on the verge of losing control of himself, but oh, he is so sweet and giving and loving.  

 We visited Nanny and played in her back yard for a bit.  Plenty of space to run, explore and swing!  Plus some Nanny hugs and love!  Win win!

Fireworks, round two!
I had some glow stick wands for the boys while they were doing the fireworks, and H started saying "magic words" to make the fireworks go.

Happy New Years!

 After our traditional New Years supper of Chinese food (shiny food), we had a fun little fireworks show with the neighborhood kids. A bonfire to keep everyone warm, and plenty of sparklers for the kids!  A good way to celebrate the end of the year and the coming of the new year!

 After we got home and toasty in pjs, we had some fun with the "fishy poppers" that Pop gave us for Christmas!  We had fun with them, and Tatum had fun chasing the foam balls as they popped out.  

 On New Years morning, we bundled up and headed over to Black Bayou.  The boys love Black Bayou, and I do too!  Beautiful scenery, wildlife, being outdoors, perfect start to the New Year!
 H had to have his map to follow.  He kept "locating" where we were on the map and telling us which way to go.  Once we got on the boardwalk, C kept noticing the little spots of water and saying "nudder pool!" (another pool!)

We spotted a white heron, H is still holding on to his map, and I love C's crossed feet.

 We sat on every bench, looked through every "spy glass" (telescope), and read every sign. (Somewhere along the way, C decided it was necessary to spit in the water/grass under each sign that I read.  Not sure where that came from, but I guess boys will be boys.)

 Performing in the amphitheater.  H sings "If your happy and you know it" every single time, C is into "School bus go round round" (Wheels on the bus), and I was met with much laughter at my rendition of "Deck the Halls."

After naps, we made and decorated some Ninjabread Men that Pop, SweetHart and KK sent us.  H and I made and cooked the cookies while C was napping, and we decorated once C was awake.  Somehow my guys didn't turn out as cute as the ones on the box.  Piping/icing cookies must not be where my talents lie.... We had fun decorating and eating them anyway!

Happy New Year!
