Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blueberry picking

Yesterday, the local moms group, went to a blueberry farm to pick our own blueberries!  Our buddies from the neighborhood, Henry and Clara Hartwell, came too!  It was fun!  They gave the kids a little hay ride over to the blueberry bushes, and let us loose!

H loved the whole experience.  I had to keep reminding him to only pick the blue ones, not the green ones, and not to eat too many of them!

C was pretty entertained, too!  Everytime I would lean in to pick some blueberries, he would grab for a leaf or a blueberry.  He got a couple of leaves and a very green blueberry in his mouth before I noticed... I can't imagine they tasted too good.

They had some little birdhouses for the kids to paint after picking.  
They were very colorful....

On the hayride back to the cottage.  I wasn't sure if H would stay seated, but he did pretty good!

There they go!

They had blueberry muffins and blueberry lemonade waiting for us back at the store.  H loved the juice, and C loved the muffins.  What a great day!   I almost didn't go because it was very early (so we would miss the heat) and a little ways away, but we had a wonderful time!  We might even go back again! 

Now, I just need to figure out exactly what to do with a gallon of blueberries!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

He walks!

It looks like soccer games might be in our future...

He started walking, and then the next day, unprompted, he started kicking his ball around too!  
Am I going to become a soccer mom?


Yesterday, this little guy turned one!!!!  I can't believe it!  I have been with him all day, every day, but I still feel like I missed some of his first went way too fast!  I feel like we have adjusted to life as a family of four, and are really enjoying the cute, fun loving little guy that Charlie is becoming. 


One month

Two months

Three months

Four months

Five months

Six months

Seven months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months


Likes:  his orange ball, little cars, his blankie, anything that taps, moving around, his family, food!

Doesn't like:  having water poured/splashed on him, being still

Food:  Is totally over baby food.... loves peas (especially), carrots (cooked or a baby carrot to gnaw on), strawberries, goldfish, raisins, grapes, chicken/pork (especially with Trader Joes bbq sauce), yogurt, cheese, bananas...I could continue...this boy loves his food!

He says "hi," responds to "Bubba,"  can sign milk, more and cheese, gives kisses and blows kisses, waves, and understands more words, and loves to smile and laugh, and play, play, play!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

C's first birthday party

We can't believe this little guy is a year old!!!!  He started walking and giving kisses this weekend, and is a lot of fun.  It is hard to believe that this time last year we were preparing for a baby, and now he is a walking, babbling (not so much talking yet), laughing,sweet little boy!


 Pawpaw and GrandMissy also came to join us for the celebration!  
The boys are always happy to see them!  We are too!

Happy Birthday to you!
C liked the attention.  It was just a small party with family and a couple of neighbors, but that is all this little guy needs!

It was the same pound cake with bananas and cream cheese frosting that I made for H's first birthday.  It was a hit!  C didn't know what to do with the cupcake I made for him, but once I tore off some small pieces he got the idea!  
(H thought it was very exciting to have all of the people come by and bring brother presents, but at one point H came and snuggled with me and quietly asked "When is it my birthday?"  It's a hard lesson to learn...)

My baby!

I think his favorite toy was this simple ball!  He liked to roll it and throw it.  All boy!

Presents!  I think he would have been happy to carry his birthday cards around all day and to pull tissue paper out of bags all day... The gifts themselves were just an added bonus!

Happy Day, Happy Boy!

I think the extra sugar from his cupcake (that was his first 'sweet') gave him too much energy!  He should be napping by now, but I can still hear him talking and banging on the wall! I hope he can make it until bedtime...

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Hey, you!

H, for whatever reason, wakes up at night crying that the "penguins are getting me."  Not monsters, wolves, witches, or whatever, but penguins.  We don't have any books or movies with scary penguins, and he doesn't seem bothered when we read about them, but in the middle of the night, they become vicious and terrifying creatures.  We tell him to send them back to the zoo, but we all end up a little tired and cranky the next day... any thoughts?

We are gearing up for a fun weekend of family and celebrations!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I think I know

I think I know why Daddy prefers to practice at school...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Summer is here!

 You know that summer has begun when we get the pool out!  Last years pool didn't survive its hibernation, so today Daddy brought home a new one!  H was so excited!  The 'squirrels' got the old pool when they were looking for their acorns....  Even though the water was a little cool, H jumped right in and started having a blast!  We put C's feet it, but he didn't think it was so great.  Too cold, maybe?  Or just too different?  Who knows.  But we'll keep trying. 

 He had a fun time checking out our snacks and cruising around the outside of the pool.

He seems to like having something in his hand - especially his blankie, snack cup, or Mama's keys!

H enjoyed the floaties and water.  

Look at that balance! 
Telling Daddy about his life...

His buddy, Henry, came to splash with us.  

We had a great time, but I know we (especially C) will be happy when the water is a little warmer!

We are glad you are here, summer!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cookies for neighbors

H has been asking to make cookies for the neighbors for awhile, so a couple of days ago I got him up from his nap a little early and we made some "cookie jar for the neighba's."  He loved it!  He helped me measure, pour and mix, roll dough balls, push thumbprints into the cookies, and then put jelly in.   

I did have to go back and fix a few of the ones that ended up looking like pancakes, but all in all he was a great help and we had a great time.  Now he wants to help cook all the time!

It's hard to be patient!  

After the cookies were finished, he had a great time taking some to our neighbors to spread a little cheer!
What a little helper!

A little

We've been enjoying life at a little slower pace (as slow as two busy little boys will allow) lately.  Daddy is done with school, some of our big happenings have past, and now we have a little summer break before Daddy starts his summer class, C has his birthday (!!!) and we move to a new house down the street.  Whew!  

Here are a few pictures of the boys enjoying bath time last night:

Ol' G sent them some bath paint and bubbles, and we love them!  H loves blowing them and making bubble cakes, C isn't so sure about them yet...

Silly face, Mama!

 "Take a picture of brother, click"

Mmmm, yummy camera.
(Side note on C: last week during their bath when Daddy was taking a final, I began putting the bath toys away at the end of the bath and took one away from C.  He started crying (which he does sometimes) but then kept crying, and then holding his breath, I blew in his face, picked him up, patted (smacked) his back, and then he passed out!  He immediately came right back to normal, but it scared me!  Throughout my babysitting/day care years, I'd heard of this happening, and that it can be normal, but seeing it happen to your baby is totally different!  I hope he doesn't do that again.)

 And now, Daddy and big brother have gone to the park to practice a little fishing, and I am printing out birthday invitations, blogging, and doing a little sewing while little brother is next door catching up on some sleep! 
He gave us an early wake up call this morning!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


 To our mothers
 (and grandmothers, aunts, teachers, and "second" mothers) 
who helped us become who we are today.  

You wiped our tears, you were up with us in the night (young and not so young), you shared our joys, successes, and fears, you still love us, you love our children, and we are thankful for you.  

We love you! 

Happy Mothers Day 
to two of the best mothers out there!  
We love you!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Yesterday when I was opening up the curtains in the morning, I saw something big on the car port wall!  H and I went to investigate.  A huge moth was out there!  It has fuzzy antenae, furry muscular looking legs, and big wings - about a six inch wingspan.  I had H put his hand near it so I had a reference for the size of it, and as soon as he did that, the moth started expanding.  Then H sneezed and the moth flew to the ground and looked like this:

 He was showing off his "eyes."  You can't really see it in person, but the middle of the 'eyes' are shiny, and I imagine they would reflect a little and scare off predators.  The neighbor cat, Leon, decided to come by shortly after, and then the moth started sort of hopping and flapping his wings.  I think we made him nervous!  He made H a little nervous too!  Normally when we see a cool bug, H asks to put it in his bug box, but he didn't ask about this one!  

 We also discovered that C thinks it is hilarious if you say "ewww!"  Especially in a high pitched voice!  And then if you tickle him on top of that....he cracks up!  I caught a little bit of that this morning after a diaper change (that's where the "ew" came in!).  I love that laugh!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

To the supermarket

Close by our house is Lamar Park, a beautiful park with trails, a pond, and plenty of room to run and explore!  H calls it the supermarket... I guess the -"mar" and "park" of the name sound/rhyme like supermarket... So, yesterday we called his buddy, Payton, and asked if he and his mama wanted to meet us there to play today.  It was beautiful, and thankfully not too hot!

The big boys told us stories and sang songs on the stage.  It looks like an elaborate show.

 C kept a close eye on the football.  He is so close to walking!!!

He does the funny straight legged crawl most of the time now.  I think he  can get where he's going a little faster that way than on his knees.  It looks a little funny from behind - especially with a cloth diaper...

The big boys fed the fish.  It was senior citizen day at the park, so there were a lot of older people fishing who were kind enough to show the little guys their catfish and answer their questions.   H also felt the need to tell just about everyone we passed by what we were doing.  He told some people " We are going to see Payton.  See?  There he is!" or "we are going to feed the fish" or " Look!  There's the bridge!  I'm going to cross it!"


More pictures, Mama???

He wanted to climb up the tree to get some flowers and pick leaves.  I didn't tell him no, but I also didn't help him... Maybe next year...
