Thursday, July 31, 2014

nabi square, round two

More fun with the nabi square camera.  These first three are by C.

 The camera comes with an awesome waterproof case.  I had to read several reviews and test it out myself before I let the boys take it in the pool, and then had some anxiety when they took it in, but it really is waterproof!  And so awesome!

 C's knees and blue pool noodle.

 H diving for rocks and coins

 C took a picture of his toes.

 I took this one of H playing with the hose.  He was loving it!

H took this one of C's turn with the hose.  


Wednesday, July 30, 2014


 Entertaining themselves with the funny mirror at the grocery store.

 Handprints in the Jello...
(courtesy of H)

 Making the moon at the library story time.  H wanted to use the spoon, C wanted to use his fingers.  I would have expected it to be the other way around.

 Dog days of summer
 Snowcones in pjs at Eskamoes.  We played a very lengthy game of I Spy while we ate our treats.  H gets pretty creative with what he spies, but C has two.  "I Spy green! Trees!" and "I spy stripes! 'Merican Flag!"

 Looks like graffiti artists in training

Checking out our neighbors tractor in the field behind the house.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


 Somehow, with two boys, we have never made it to the ER before now!  
Last week, H had a little touch of croup, and then two days later C had a little touch of croup.  But for C, the usual tricks we use for croup were not doing their trick and it was getting worse and worse until he really just was not able to breathe. 

 First thing in the morning we went to our little clinic, and they gave him a breathing treatment, but there was no improvement, so they sent us to the ER.  

 This is the part where C was getting upset...
After another breathing treatment, lots of steriods, and lots of doctors monitoring and checking on him, he was not happy! 
I am thankful for sweet nurses, insurance, iPads, blankies and brothers. 
The official diagnosis was Reactive Airway Disease which is basically an asthma attack.  It was scary, but for our first ER trip, it wasn't too terrible.

 After all of the treatments and steroids were over, C was happy and could breathe again!  He was a trooper, and H was a great big brother.

 A little while after we got home, C pulled out his doctor kit and started to give me a check up, using a lot of the same methods and language that his doctors used that morning.  A good way to process it all!

Breathing treatments are tolerated much better at home!
Quack, quack! 

Nabi square

Both of the boys have a nabi tablet, C's is the nabi jr., and H's is the nabi2.  We love them, it is a great product, we love them, the nabi camera was a woot! daily deal a couple of weeks ago and we have been loving it!  It is kid sized, water and shock proof, and will be able to grow with the boys.  It comes with a remote and all sorts of mounts - to clip to clothes/hats/objects/bikes/skateboards/etc, so I think it will grow with them as they get more creative!  I am imagining that as they get older we might need another, so I am hoping it comes back on woot! again!

 The new photographer.

 C does pretty good with it, sometimes he doesn't push the button all the way down, or the camera is backwards or upside down.

 C's picture of our bar stools.
(The camera works better in bright light or if you are really still. )

 We took the camera on our walk, most of these pictures are by H.  
I'll let the pictures tell the story.

 (A selfie)

(I think I'm as excited about the camera as the boys are!)
(This one is a huge upgrade from their Fisher Price camera with <1 8mp.="" font="" has="" mp="" nbsp="" one="" this="">



 H laid down and started looking up into the trees with his "binoculars," and then C had to do the same! 

 Across the street there is a little lot that has a plethora of different kinds of trees, so we thought we'd check it out and make some leaf rubbings.  Of course it was necessary to ride bikes to the other side of the road.

 Collecting leaves.  This tree had some long green bean looking seed pods.

 We noticed some dew covered tiny spider webs in the grass and "poison ivious" (poison ivy).

 A fig tree (although H is certain it is a watermelon tree and that the green figs are baby watermelons...).

 The sun was so pretty shining through these feathery leaves.

 Leaf rubbing time! It took a couple tries to get the hang of rubbing the crayons and not coloring with them.

 C did a bit of leaf rubbing and then started making "letters" on his page, he would make a little mark and then ask me whose letter it was.  (we talk a lot about his letter "C" and H's letter, and Tatum's letter, etc.)

 H started to read the book that we used as his desk. 

After we were done, the boys started fanning me with the big leaves, and we made toe print caterpillars on the leaves.   
We left the leaves on the driveway and the next day they were shriveled and crunchy, and the boys had a blast riding over them with their bikes to hear the crunching.  


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

More Snapshots

 Horton getting fancy!

 I love how the boys love to read, and how quiet it is when they are reading.  I almost don't notice all of the noise that they create until its quiet!

 Friday Science Experiments at the library.  Glitter explosions!  It was so exciting!  They had us pour in half a packet of lemon Koolaid before the explosion and it took care of the vinegar smell.  What a great trick.

 Tatum with a sideways hat.
The animals were tolerating getting dressed up this week.

I need to frame this picture and look at it everytime they are badly antagonizing each other, like the huge fight they got in about weather or not it was raining, or who was going to wash hands first, or who's pet Horton is...

 We made Fairy Dust!
Made of glow sticks and glitter, and H is convinced that he saw a fairy!
These were fun to take into the bath too.

I always peek in on the boys before I go to bed, and I found that C had carefully tucked in his doggie and alligator under the covers and with a blankie over them, but forgot to tuck himself in!


Rainy Day Fun

 Styling with his "gargle" (goggle) hair, goofy smile, and robot hands.

H started to draw with chalk and buckets of water from the pool when it started to drizzle.

 Evelyn came out to see what they boys were up to and joined in the fun.  They were making some wonderful creations with their wet chalk.  They even had a routine down:  put chalk in the bucket, draw, repeat with a different color, pour water on it, smear it all up with hands or feet, and then repeat the whole process in a new location. 

 C started splashing in puddles while the two older ones continued to draw.


And then there was this...
and a warm bath to clean them all up!
