Monday, May 30, 2011

He's here!

Charles Nathan Trahan
May 29, 2011, 7:47am
8 lbs 9 oz, 21 inches


Our little family

I love you!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Calisthenics with Daddy

H loves to visit Daddy at work! There are so many friends there to visit (N's colleagues and professors), a big treat bucket in Daddy's office, big chairs to twirl around in, and all sorts of fun things to do! It is also a fun way for us to get out of the house. I took some pictures of our visit this past week, and when I was looking at the pictures, I realized it looked very much like a work out! (But that may just be the tired, pregnant me talking... Our due date was yesterday - and no sign of baby coming yet!)

Starting off the visit with a little "coworing" with a "pisil."
(Coloring with a pencil)

Every workout begins with a good stretch!
"Uss-aye down!" (upside down)

And we're off!

Down the ramp

Up the ramp

Up the stairs

"I see you!"

Down the stairs

Each "circuit" happened repeatedly - up ramp, down ramp (5 or 6 times), up stairs, down stairs (5 or 6 times), spin in the chair until dizzy, coloring, go tee-tee, get treat, and then repeat the whole process!

Then go home and take a nap!

Busy boy

We've been keeping busy this week giving H a lot of attention and taking him on several H centered outings. We thought it might be a little while before we were able to do things like that again, so this week we've been to the park a few times, been to visit Daddy at work, story time, and a few other fun outings. I just hope that he won't expect every week to be like this now....

Watching "Baby Signing Time" with H on the laptop.
Now every time we bring out the laptop, H thinks it is time to watch Baby Signing Time!

There were some special guests at story time this week!

Drinking undiluted juice while holding the 'wings' at Chick-fil-A.
(If you ever want a fine dining experience at a fast food restaurant - go to the Chick-fil-A in Oxford! They are super friendly, it always looks and smells clean, they bring your food to you and then come back to check if you need anything, there are fresh flowers on all of the tables, there are extra diapers and wipes in the ladies room, and even a pump bottle of mouthwash and little cups to rinse with. They also have a play area (that H got to play on for the first time this week and loved it!!!) that looks and smells clean too! (Some fast food play areas smell a little bit too much like urine for us to let H play on them.....))

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lamar Park

We have this great park just a few minutes drive from our house. There is not a playground there, but it has plenty of things to do and see. Unfortunately we don't make it over there as often as we should, but it is beautiful and fun when we do!

"Mama, bird!"

"Water, pity!"
(Pretty water!)

"Fish, wickers"
(The fish has whiskers (it was a catfish))

He loved watching the fish go after his goldfish!
He would have dumped all of his crackers in if we let him

"On da wock, I jumping!"
(On the rock. I'm jumping off!)

"Up hill 'gen"
(up the hill again!)

We decided that having a clumsy toddler and a pregnant mama going up and down the hill was not a good idea, so Daddy got the job!

"Baby bruver"
I don't look as pregnant as I feel in this picture...

"Fine me!"
(come find me)


H loves to "bisit" (visit) people, friends, neighbors, people at the store....he is a very social fellow.

Two of his favorite people to visit are his Daddy, and our neighbor, Henry.
Here is H "helping" his Daddy at work...

And playing with Henry. We love that Henry lives just a couple of doors down, and it doesn't hurt that H thinks Henry's daddy, John, is his good friend too, or that he is in love with "Dinah" (Diana) - Henry's Mama!
The boys have a good time together - checking the neighbor's mail,

pulling and riding the wagon between our houses,

"coworing" (coloring) with chalk,

and going inside!
(I know the picture is blurry, but I thought it was pretty cute anyway!)

Sometimes we all eat supper together and it is fun to see the boys interact. We have gotten some pretty fun serenades of "Old MacDonald" and some silly babbling. We are thankful to have good friends as neighbors!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Still here...

We are still here, still preparing, still waiting.... we've been keeping busy finishing up projects and other things that we have been putting off doing, Nathan just finished his finals, H is busy feeling very two (being opinionated, talkative, lots of fun, very frustrating, loving, etc...), and I have been busy getting the house and everyone ready. With all of this going on, there just hasn't been much energy left over for things like taking pictures and blogging!

Here are just a few pictures of what we have been up to in the past week:

Playing with the 'angels' as H calls his little wooden people/animals.
SweetHart made these for him, and he loves to move them around and look at them.

Waving at the neighbors, feeding goldfish to the ants

More reading

And I think this picture just about sums up how it feels around here lately!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Something pretty

Our first magnolia bloom of the season

Hope you are having a great Wednesday!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Getting closer....

Friday marked our three week countdown to baby brother's (estimated) arrival! The reality that a new little one will be joining us soon is starting to make itself apparent. And, that he could come anytime between now and a few weeks from now! We still need to pack a hospital bag, clean the house a little bit, and put together a few casseroles to have on hand, but we have been making some preparations around here: the car seat and baby swing has made it's way down from the attic, the baby bedding has been washed and put on the cradle,

diapers are being prepped for little baby bottoms,

even though they won't be used for a little while, bottles and pacifiers are being sterilized,

tiny baby clothes are being washed and folded (I can't believe that H was once that size, or that this new baby will be that tiny!)

and we caught a glimpse of these chubby little cheeks this morning! They are estimating 7lbs 1oz for now, but that just seems tiny to me! They estimated 9 or 9.5 lbs for H and he came out at 8lbs 1 oz, so we will see about this one....

I hope that H will be a great big brother
and that he will bear with us as we adjust to this new member of our family.

I was just thinking about the last few years - and realized that since May of 2008, I have spent 18 moths pregnant and 16 months nursing... That means for just two months out of the last 36 there wasn't someone depending directly on my body for nourishment. Wow!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A day in the life

8am: Morning, "Winnard" (Leonard)

8:30am: Breakfast: toast and "jerry," and some "special milk"
(milk in a real cup with chocolate and vanilla - he is more likely to drink it this way)

9:30am: watching Curious George

11am: at the park with Henry

1pm: reading and rocking before nap time

3pm: wake up from nap and go tee-tee
(wouldn't you want to go tee-tee here? We have great treats!
H is doing pretty good with potty training - he stays dry all day, still wears diapers at nap and night-time which is great, but he still won't do his big business on the potty....I look forward to when he decides it is OK to do that!)

5pm: Riding on the rocking horse
"back, forth, back forth"

6:30pm: bathtime

7:15pm: Reading our latest library books on the back porch

7:45pm: brush teeth and get ready for bed!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Wook!" (Look!)

"New hat!"
(Look at my new hat!)

"Like hat?"
(Do you like it?)

"Hesson do:"
(Look what I can do in it:)
"mail, check it. Flag up."
(check the mail and put the flag up)

"bubbles! Pop!"
(pop bubbles in it)

"see? pider,"
(look at the spider)

"count: 1, 2...."
(count organ pedals in it,)

"wing chimes,"
(ring the wind chimes in it,)

(swing in it,)

"get ball,"
(get the ball in it,)

"inside, water, milk."
(and go inside with my water and milk.)
