Friday, September 30, 2011

Movers and Shakers

These little boys have been on the move lately! Keeping this Mama busy! I haven't had any trouble sleeping in quite some time....

C is starting to be more active. Sometimes I forget that he can do more than just lay there... He is starting to roll to the side and can sit in the Bumbo for longer periods. I'm thinking about getting out his Johnny jump-up to hang in the doorway.

H loves to get on the toy box and look out the window.
He feels the need to wiggle and dance every now and again too!

Watching big brother ride his bike. I am now putting him in the stroller without his car seat! Growing up!

My mama used to tell me that on days that I would ask for a side ponytail in my hair - to look out - that meant I would be feeling sassy on that day. For H, on days that he wears his red boots are his extra sassy days! (Even more so if they are on the wrong foot and accompanied by sunglasses, Daddy's old phone and chocolate milk!)

Strong boy! Look at those rolls!
(4 months old now! Can you believe it?)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Let's cook!

I gonna cook for you!

Where are the peas?

I like my pancakes prepared on the floor, don't you?

No, that's not pizza, that's a kiwi!

The kitchen is mostly the same from when I first made it, but it has had some additions/alterations.

Wanna bite, Mama?

Water says "shhhh."
I've found some felt meatballs stuck in the faucet from time to time.

Here, bruver, have a 'mato.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Boys will be boys

Watching for fish
(that is H waaaay down at the end of the dock)

H loves that we bring a special juice box when we go out.
He preferred to sit and drink it instead of running with the other kids.

Throwing rocks in the "creek"

When we got home, H started right in on building block towers.


build a tower 'gain...

Smiley Boy

You've got my attention, Mama

Woah, a hand!

It opens

And closes

and tickles me!

Giggly, smiley boy!

C is a little more smiley than I remember H at this age, but that also might be that we are not so gentle and peaceful with C. He likes to be tickled and played with. Or, sometimes he just seems sooo happy for you to just look at him! Little boy smiles and slobbery kisses can make a Mama feel sooo good!

A look behind the scenes:
( When H saw what I was doing with C, he had to come over and try to make him smile too - that either ends with smiles or tears. Today the smiles won!)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Neighborhood story time

In our neighborhood there are about six or seven little ones who are all between 1.5-3 years old. We decided that it would be fun to have a little story time as a way to get them all together to get to know each other. Only a couple could make it, but we had a great time anyway!

H and Beatrice
H is very into little and big girls!

We read Mouse Paint and Five Little Monkeys.
They particularly enjoyed the part in 5 Monkeys were the alligator says "SNAP!"

Listening so quietly!
(Today was also Henry's birthday! 2 years old!)

After stories they had some carrot muffins and juice.
Little brother slept through the whole event, but we went to story time at the library yesterday, so maybe that was enough story time for one week for him.

Then went outside to play in the sand!

I love seeing these little heads so close together!
Maybe next time there will be even more little heads working together!

The adults had a great time chatting as well. I believe that childrens activities and play groups are often as much for the mama's as they are for the little's!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Pop and SweetHart sent H a balance bike for his (early) Christmas present.
It came this week and H was so excited to try it out.
I showed it to him and he said "Ooooh! A motorcycle!"

It seemed like walking with it and holding it by the handlebars...
and "swing my weg (leg) over it" came naturally to him.
Now he keeps asking to "ride my new bike?"

He looks too grown!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tractor fire station

(C riding in the sling)

We told H last night that after his nap today we were going to the fire station. He then asked if we were going to see a tractor too. I said probably not, but since then he's been talking about "tractor fire station!" We went this afternoon with a local Moms and Tots group and had a great time, even though there were no tractors....

H and his buddy, Payton

H and SParky.
He was a little unsure at first, but after he saw the other kids sitting with him,
he decided it was ok.

Some very big shoes to fill!


Sitting with his buddies

It's berry, berry heavy, Mama!

Got a badge, a bwacewet (bracelet), and a fire hat!

(This is what H chose to wear this morning.
Thankfully I got him to change clothes before we left!)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thankful for:

sweet snoring babies snuggling with their blankies

silly big boys learning to put their own clothes on.
(you should see the dance he does when he tries to pull on his undies/pants)

Charlie and Lola: A video we picked up from the library on a whim - mainly because of the name - and H loves it! He likes most shows, but he usually gets that "million miles away" look on his face. With Charlie and Lola, he actually chuckles and giggles at the silliness of Lola.

(The boys on the dentists chair watching a movie)

Dentists not getting flustered by screaming two year olds.
We went to an awesome Pediatric Dentist today, and it was awesome - there were cool toys in the waiting room, super sweet nurses, balloons, a toy chest, and a TV on the ceiling so they could watch a show while laying back. All was going well until the dentist looked in H's mouth, and then he started screaming bloody murder. A team of nurses came in and the dentist moved swiftly, and then it was done!

(we almost had to go back to the doctor, or the ER again tonight - someone decided to put two peas in his nose! )

So today I am thankful for sweetness, silliness, swiftness and sleep!

What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cloudy day photo shoot

What better to do on an overcast, muggy, hot, yucky day than stay inside and take pictures?

(Some of these are not the best, but I love H's expressions.)

I'm typing what H was saying while I was taking the photos under the pictures.

Mama, I hold Chardy

Go poo-poo on da potty get a cookie

Cheesy cheesy coco puff!


I get my juice

Chardy waffing (laughing)

Chardy funny

Mama, help!
