Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


 I was checking out my photo stream this morning and found this!  
We have a silly app where you can fix/cut/style/color hair, and H must have been playing with it and then took a picture of it.  Silly!

 So true!

 Hot chocolate, pretzel crisps, and Halloween stories under the shade of the V tree, good Friday afternoon.

Working on handwriting. He's getting there!  I've noticed with the "n" at the end of his name, he gets going and ends up making an "M."  He also occasionally gets the letters out of order, but all in all does a pretty good job!

Evelyn joined us for a little LaLaLoopsie.

Evelyn had a fun idea to hide candy in the yard and let the boys find it.  They loved it!  Then H took a turn hiding candy and then pointed out every piece that he hid!  We'll keep working on the concept...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


 Running a few errands in the morning, we stopped by McDonalds (H still calls it "Old McDonalds" and C now calls it "Donald's") for some CinniMinis, and had to check out the water fountain (Water fall down, as C calls it)

After snacks, we headed to the park for a snack and some play.  H requested "spicy chips" (BBQ chips). 
(I saw one of my students at the park.  I told him hello and he said "You look like my music teacher.  I said I am your music teacher, he responded "no way!"  )

 Flying on the swings!

 A night time show.  
Piggy back style!

Monday, October 28, 2013

A Rock Hunt

 Yesterday morning was perfect for a rock hunt! 
I got the stomach bug the night before so we didn't make it to church, but it was so nice to be outside in the mild weather.  In the morning, H went into his room and closed the door while he chose his clothes.  He seemed to feel so big!  He chose his super hero shirt.   He wanted C to wear his too!  C called it his batman shirt.  We went outside and the boys started hunting rocks!  They collected some for their pockets, some went down the drain pipe, and then H decided it would be a good idea to get their buckets to collect some.

 I can never quite figure out their criteria for choosing rocks, but they always seem to be looking for a particular one.

 H found some good ones around the base of the tree.  
He found a huge one with some creepy crawlies under it.  He left that one there.

 C came up and said "You want ring Mama?"  He looked like he felt very sweet giving it to me. 

 H was looking all around the yard, and C was following pretty closely behind.  Good thing there were plenty of rocks in the yard, so there was no fighting! 
(Lately there has been a lot of "That one was mine"  "I had it first" going on, and then they start saying "Stop it" back and forth, and then little huffs back and forth, and sometimes swatting each other.  I wish I could figure out how to easily work out that situation.)

Back in the house, doing scratch art while I folded the clothes.  They have been enjoying the art projects that they get to do on my floor while I fold clothes or do a little work.  


Preptober Fest

 The boys school had a fun fall festival this weekend, they call it Preptober Fest.  The boys were so excited.  H kept reminding me to bring my coins for the games. 

 The boys enjoyed all of the games and giving their tickets at each game.  I am glad the helpers gave them a prize just for trying, not necessarily for accomplishing the proper task. 

 Feeding the Elephant peanuts.  They were great at this one!  It made C a little nervous when the elephants trunk would move. 

The boys loved seeing their teachers at the Festival.  It was nice to be there where everyone knew the boys and the festival area was enclosed.  Didn't have to worry too much about them getting away!

 Hay Ride!  This was a favorite activity.  I got to ride too!  This hay ride was pulled by a four-wheeler around the playground at their school, but it was fun anyway!

 Digging for toys!
H went for this one with zest!  C was a little unsure.

The boys wanted to visit this one twice.
(I love how H had his hand on C while he was fishing.)

Enjoying a piece of candy after the cake walk (H won some brownie bites), and before heading out.  So much fun! So thankful for their sweet little school!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


 Snack time in C's room!
H said they eat snack in the chef's house (cafeteria) or on the deck if the weather is nice.  They have a good menu at school, but these boys come home hungry!

 I know I posted this before, but I love how H guides little brother through the classroom in the mornings.

Must be peaceful there when everyone is asleep!
H seemed to have grown out of naps, but he started napping again when school started. 

H's class.  I love how he calls some buddies by their first and last name, and some he still doesn't know their name, and so calls them boy or girl.  

Most nights at bedtime, H asks what time we are going to school the next day.  Some nights, after he's been in bed for a little bit, he'll ask me if its time for school yet.  I can't tell if he's so excited about school that he can't wait or if he just doesn't want to go to sleep!

I'm glad they like their school, and that they get to be at the same school!  It  has helped the transition be a little easier for all of us.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Car dreams

After church Sunday we decided to take a quick trip to the park.  The boys had been asking to go, but it had rained too much to go the day before. 

 On the way home we found this cool old car parked and decided to have a quick photo session.

Why is it so hard to get two boys to look in the same direction (at the same time) and smile (at the same time)?  Turned out pretty cute anyway.

Later that night they got to do a little driving of their own!  C loves it when Evelyn takes her car out (I think her car is what sold him on our new house), and loves it when her friend Kayla comes over.  H was just in heaven!  It took a minute for him to get the hang of forward and backward controls, but he couldn't have been happier!


Every morning when I drop the boys off for school, H takes C's shoulders and leads him to something fun to play with.  It warms my heart, and makes it a little easier to leave them each day!

H took over hair brushing duty after bathtime this week.  He did a pretty good job!  I was a little surprised that C tolerated it.  

These boys and their stickers.   C wouldn't let me take them off before bed one night, so once he was asleep I had to go peel them off.

It was late at night and C was supposed to be asleep, but I found him playing with Legos.  H was fast asleep.  Sneaky... 
 Night owls!  A couple of nights later, H was supposed to be asleep, but I heard him making his helicopter fly all over the place.

Good Morning!

I caught someone with his had in the Marshmallow bag!  We had made hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, and C found the extra bag!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

'Tis the Season

 For Halloween!!!   We had big plans for decorating!  Lights in the window, and some more decorations here and there throughout the house.

 The boys took the decorating job very seriously!  They hung the little halloween tree very carefully with lights.

 Putting window stickers up is serious business!  We put some orange lights in the window and little lanterns all around.

 "Pider rings (as C calls them)  all over the place!  Me and Tatum have been finding them everywhere.  I'm certain a few have made their way to school as well.

 Having fun with Halloween Poppers.  Tatum tried to catch them all too.  C couldn't quite make his pop, but loved to watch them, and H soon figured it was fun to hold them and let them pop in the air!

 Doing stamps... somehow C's face ended up in the stamp pad.  He was pleased with himself.  At least it was washable!

 What Halloween decorating day would be complete without some colorful hair?  They thought it was hilarious!  I had found these in my classroom and thought I would bring them home for a dose of silly fun!  The boys loved it!  My hair ended up blue too!

Then we had to go do some more splashing in the puddles with our colorful hair! 
We're ready for Halloween! 
Not quite sure what the costumes will be this year.  H keeps alternating between Spiderman and Batman, and C wants to be whatever brother is.  We'll try to finalize it this weekend...

Thursday, October 3, 2013


C can't have a paci at school, and does fine all day long, but he is also very glad to see it at bedtime.  He was being so goofy, he put two in his mouth!  He thought he was funny!  His teacher at school often says he is so silly and tries to make them laugh.

 One afternoon I had put C to sleep, and was certain he was sound asleep, it was so quiet!  But then he came out to look for a specific truck.  He ran back into his room to line it up.  He wasn't sleeping, he was working!

 Two bounce houses in one day!  Great day for little boys!  A birthday party and a BBQ, the boys were asleep within seconds that night!

C's first Parental Involvement Activity (Homework).
He had sooo many stickers to choose from, but all he wanted was Mater! (Tow Mater)

My two sleeping angels!
