Monday, November 29, 2010

Our little family

We finally got some good family pictures this weekend! Our out of town company helped us take some in our backyard - very fall-ish looking.

It took us a few tries to get us all looking decent...

It wasn't that easy...

and we had to take a couple of breaks to show Mr. Squirmy the pictures of 'you' (as he calls himself)

But, we finally captured a couple that turned out pretty nice!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ribbit, ribbit

Can you see it?

Home for the Holidays

Daddy had this week off, so we packed up the car and headed to Louisiana! It was so nice to be around friends and family for the week. Plenty of people to love and entertain H, friends and family to visit, stores to shop at.... it was a wonderful and busy week!

Enjoying the morning sun
(this was one of my favorite memories of Nanny when we would visit when I was little: she would open up the door every morning and say "Good Morning, world" like she was greeting each new day)

Normally H would sit in a booster chair at Nanny's, but the first night he climbed right up in the big chair and made himself at home. He loved his toast and jelly each morning for breakfast!

Taking a little break to watch Sesame Street

Aunt Mary Ann (MaNan as H says it) brought some jumbo blocks for him to play with, and he was a pro by the time we left!

Story time with Nanny - makes me wish I could still fit in her lap and be read to!

Rock, rock
He enjoyed putting the leaves through the holes in the table

Almost there....

Although I don't have too many pictures to prove it, we enjoyed some good time with Papaw and GrandMissy

We taught him the joys of dust-busting

He is certainly not starved for attention...

A little pre-turkey ride

Gobble, gobble! What a feast and it all tasted sooo good!

Cute peaches!

Thank you, Challie for my new bath toys!

Every night, H had to go tell Nanny goodnight
After we had returned home to Oxford, he was still asking for her at night to tell her goodnight!
(A Nanny word of wisdom: Look as beautiful at night as you do during the day - doesn't she? )

Louisiana dreams

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dream a little dream of me

Tonight we were getting ready for some out of town company and H noticed that Daddy was airing up the air mattresses. Last time we had company he discovered that air mattress diving was a fun activity! He likes to stand beside the mattress and then belly flop onto it. And then roll, and then do it all again!

I went to peek in at him and saw this cute thing!:

Last night I heard him fussing and moving around a little after he had gone to sleep. When I went to check on him he was asleep and sitting up! He would nod a little to one side and then the other until I laid him down. Must have been some dream!

Brotherly love

A little after nap snuggle with Leonard.

H loves to assault Leonard with all sorts of attention, sharing toys, giving kisses, loves, pats, tail pulls and more!

When Leonard has been resting awhile, H seems to know that he is in prime position for a full on snuggle.

The other night the power went out, so I had lit a few candles. Leonard came to be with us and when I turned around, I saw H and Leonard just like this!

They have just about the same color hair/fur....

When Daddy came home, he had to get in on the love too!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Winter hat

Please! I just woke up! It's too early for a photo shoot.

Mama, tassels? Really? They look like pigtails... Snd I'm a boy!

I think I need to sit down for this.

Mmm, I think that looks better

Yep! much better

Whew, almost two years of incessant picture taking down - how many more to go?

Yeah, I know! You don't even have to tell me. I already know.

I made this hat yesterday for H out of yarn that I think I bought last year for that same purpose! It came together quickly and will be just right for keeping a baby with minimal hair toasty - and earflaps for warm ears
(It is also the perfect hat for Sesame Street induced comas. He kept it on all morning!)

Check out last years winter hat:

Friday, November 12, 2010

A little repurpose



Bedside Table: $10 Craigslist find
Pots/pans: $1 each from JoAnn Fabrics
Knobs, screws, sink, utensils, coasters for burners: $8 at Goodwill
The rest was from stuff that we had already - fabric, tension rod for curtain, paint....
I made the felt food this summer.
A pretty good deal when play kitchens can be purchased for a pretty penny!

Nathan and I did the work on it, drilling, gluing, painting, and I am pretty happy with how it turned out! I would like to cover up the sides and back eventually, but for now it is just fine! I am hoping that this is something that can continue to grow with Harrison and our family.

H loves to cook in his kitchen. Often, when I am cooking supper, he will be over at his kitchen cooking too! He likes to rinse the food in the sink and then put it in a pan. Sometimes he will bring a little bit of food over for us to try. His kitchen is against the wall between the kitchen and dining room - a perfect place for him to cook while we do!
He doesn't know quite what to do with the utensils yet.

Into the oven

Must be good!

I guess he was really hungry this day!

Check this out for more play kitchen inspiration

Thursday, November 11, 2010

To the doctor's we go!

On Sunday morning, H woke up with a little cough that sounded suspiciously barky to me.... During naptime and then that night it sounded like a baby seal had moved in! On Monday, we packed it up and went to the doctors office, and sure enough - croup! This is the second time he's had it, so we sort of knew the drill - humidifier, lots of liquids and a generous helping of TLC.

We had to wait a little while for the doctor to come in, but thankfully we had some things to entertain us:
We drew on the paper on the patients table with some crayons

We drove some cars all over the office (car caddy made following this tutorial)

And we looked through H's Quiet book many times.

I was very glad to have these things with us. Once the dr. came in, though, and H saw that she was sweet and pretty, I was able to put away all of the entertainment as he was happy to just sit and flirt with her! He showed her his shoes and jacket, told her all the colors of his crayons, and gave her many smiles.... I get the feeling I may need to watch out for him and pretty ladies when he gets older!
