Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sick boys

Sickboys, but still happy boys!  Lots of pajamas, blankies, and a few extra shows in the last few days.  They both had croup, and then fevers off and on.  We are ready to be well!

 They were enjoying being silly and lounging around together.

 C is just now starting to show a bit of an interest in what is happening on the tv... Up until now he could care less that the tv was on.  We might have to alter H's tv times!  I'm not quite ready for C to be watching regular shows yet. 

I love you, brother!

Thankfully, everyone is feeling a little better.  Today we went to a little park and had a great time.  After about thirty minutes, though, C just wanted to be held, and H started getting clumsy, so we headed back home to recuperate a little bit more.  I'm hoping we will be back in the swing of things by Monday! I would hate for H to miss another day of school!

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