Tuesday, August 28, 2012


 The Moms group had another open gym day at the local gymnastics ('nastics) center.  They have one of these about every six-ish months.  We always have a blast! For most of the morning, the boys were never too far from each other, but I did have a few times where both boys were going in opposite directions and I had to quickly grab one to go save the other from being run into or running in to another little one.  I feel like I got some good exercise too!

 Come on, brother, like this!

 H never stayed at one activity too long.  I had a hard time keeping my eyes on him.  He just went from one thing to the other.

 One of C's favorites was the big foam wedge that he would just roll down.  The first time, I really had to work to keep him rolling, but eventually he got it and would roll himself.

 Weee!  Miss Shannon helped H jump to and swing up onto the bar.  He couldn't stop laughing!

 Up or down?  This was another one of C's favorites!
 He eventually got the pattern of moving hands and feet.
H's favorite activities were the rings and the trampoline, but I didn't get a good picture of either - too much motion! 

Let's do this again, brother!
(It's hard to tell, but they are both sitting on top of the kid version of the pommel horse and loved it!)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Second Day

 Daddy is going to be on "take to school" duty this semester.  It works well with his schedule (helps me out) and I think it will also be something a little special for H and him.  We got an extra car seat just for Daddy's car, and H was pretty excited about it.  When I went to pick H up from school, he fussed that he wanted to ride in Daddy's car instead!

 After H left, me and C had a VERY quiet breakfast.  I had to turn on some of H's shows just so it wasn't too quiet!  I was okay all morning, me and C kept each other entertained, went to storytime at the library, ran some errands, and then headed over to pick up H.  I was okay until I was in the pick up line, and then I wanted to park the car and take off running to see my baby!!!! I missed him!!!  But I didn't do that... When he got to the car, he was telling his teacher that he wanted to go back to his class "right now!"  I guess he liked it!

 I think it is safe to say that the boys missed each other all morning!  After we got home they were pretty inseparable.  Lots of hugging, loving, wrestling, a little more wrestling and a little snuggling! 

I look forward to seeing what next week holds!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The First Day of School

 Today, this little (or big) guy had his very first day of school!  I wasn't worried too much about how he would do, he is a very social person (like his Daddy).  I was more worried about how I would do!  I only went back to check on him twice, and only teared up once.  No actual crying.  I would say it was a successful day!

 He was very excited about going to school!  Our sweet neighbor even made him an awesome cape in honor of his first day.

 He is in the ladybug class.  Surprisingly, we already knew a lot of the kids in his class, so there were some familiar faces.  He was happy to meet his teachers, Miss Stephanie (Miss Teffany), and Miss Kathie (Miss Haffy).

 Decorating their placemats.  Most of the kids stayed at their seats and decorated their own mats.  H put a few stickers on his paper, and then went around the room giving stickers to the teachers and parents.  I wonder what role he will take in the classroom....?

 Listening to the story with his classmates.  Today was only a 45 minute "Meet Your Teacher" day.  The parents had a meeting in the gym, and then picked up the kids.  It was a good way to start the year - especially for those who haven't gone to day care or Moms Morning Out, but I hope he doesn't expect every day to be that short!

He was excited about his school bag. and finding his hook.  

One day of school down, eighteen (or more) years to go!

Sandbox fun

 We've been getting the pool out a little less these days and finding other ways to entertain ourselves outside.  A friend gave us a fun Sprig Toys sand set and we tried them out today.  I am glad that C is not a big one on putting things in his mouth, otherwise we might not try out the sandbox. ( I don't think I would have dared do this with H when he was little - he always puts things in his mouth!  He did then, and still does! I feel like a broken record, telling him "out of your mouth" all day long.... I'll be glad when he stops that.  )  But we had a good time playing in the sand!

 Enjoying the feel on his toes

 C discovered quickly that eating Cheerios while playing in the sand is not a good idea!  It didn't help too much when he tried to wipe the sand out of his mouth with a sandy hand...

 C had fun going in and out of the sandbox.  I think it took him a little bit to realize that he could actually get in it like brother.

 All the Sprig's, buried in the sand.  The Sprig sand toys are pretty neat.  Trucks to build that come apart to make scoops, funnels, shovels and more. 

 C and his ever present snack cup.  H entertaining himself.

C kept taking hand fulls of sand and throwing them.  I told him "no" and finally took him out of the sandbox because he kept throwing the sand.  You would have thought that I broke his heart!!!  "No" is a hard lesson to learn! 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bike rider

Of course we think that H is good at everything, but two things that he is really good at are bike riding and puzzles.  Our neighborhood has some hills in it, and H has learned (with his daddy's coaching and encouraging) to walk his bike up the hills, "go zoom" down the hills, and go to the grass immediately if a car is coming.  It never ceases to impress us seeing this little guy going so fast on his balance bike (thanks Pop and SweetHart!).  Enjoy a little video of him "going zoom!"

Party time!

 Two of the boys' buddies, Hayden and Kyler (also brothers) had a birthday party today!  A get wet kind of party!  

C was a little clingy until he saw a bucket of balls, and then happily carried around a ball in each hand for the rest of our time there. 

 H wasn't quite ready for all of the fun activities, but stayed close to the swings and he enjoyed entertaining the babies for a bit.  I tried to get him to take his shoes off so he could go play, but he wasn't interested.  We can always tell that he is comfortable when the shoes come off. 

 H took his shoes off and was ready to play!  They had a huge slip and slide up for the kids.  H just scooted down it a few times,

 And then was full steam ahead!  Once conquering the slide, he was also ready for the pools, swing set and bounce house, too!

 C did some swinging and a little swimming, but was all about the food!  Some other mama's got their plates before we did, and C tried to convince them to give him some, but we convinced him to wait for our plates!  Whenever he wanted another bite, he would pat his tummy.

The big boys enjoying their snacks!

Makes me want to give our boys a joint birthday party next year...  easier to do one big party instead of two smaller parties?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fizzy fun

 I've had several ideas of crafts or activities we would do this summer, and some we've done here or there, and others like this one are just now getting done!  I saw the idea online to get a dish of baking soda and color some vinegar with food coloring, then let the little guys have fun putting droppers of the vinegar on the baking soda and watch it fizz up. 
Some of these activities we have to do after brother is asleep, or plan accordingly and do them during snack time or a good sitting still time... the stars don't always aline for these things!  I'll look forward to when they can both do the same activity to some capacity.  If that ever happens.....

 We had to work a little bit on the coordination of squeezing the bulb of the medicine dropper and keeping it in the vinegar while letting go.  We almost had vinegar all over the floor in a few instances!

 C had his snack (goldfish, cheerios and cranberries, and some pedialyte (tummy troubles the night before - poor guy)) and played with his gear caterpillar.

 These activities take concentration!

 Concentration can make for silly faces!

 Silly faces on one boy can lead to silly faces on the other boy!

When we were just about to run out of vinegar (or patience?) H decided to skip the dropper and just pour the vinegar on the baking soda!

A fun and not too messy activity!  I recommend it!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Someone has discovered that he can climb and now likes to do it a lot!   We are having to be more aware these days, because C can climb up on things much better, but his climbing down has not gotten much better!

Here are a few of the places I found our little climber today:
 On the fireplace,

On the bathroom stool - trying to brush his teeth

 Trying to climb on brothers bed

In the laundry basket.

I hope that climbing out of the crib is not his next project!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Stir Crazy!

 Rainy day with "Wots of funder!"  We just needed to get out of the house!

 While H made use of his umbrella, 

 C did some swinging in the rain!

The rain actually let up after just a few minutes, and we could explore a little further.
H enjoyed splashing in the puddles!
(His feet are actually in the air in this picture!)
(Notice the empty snack cup C is carrying around...)

I don't remember what H saw in this picture, but it must have been something exciting!
Rainy hair makes for good "moo-hawks!"

H was finding an alternate use for his T-ball bat. 
C doesn't look to sure about it.

 We enjoyed rolling the balls down the driveway

Angels in training!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Good Saturday

Out by myself for a bit this morning, both boys napped today, swimming this afternoon, N grilled supper and we ate it on the deck, then more glow sticks in the tub, beautiful and not too warm sunset family walk, and now a little relaxing.  
Good Saturday!

Friday, August 10, 2012

At the park

 *A lot of pictures, I know!  I just couldn't exclude any of them!*

We went to the park this morning, we go somewhat regularly, but I realized I hadn't taken any pictures there lately.  Most of the previous pictures are from the little kid side of the park - now we spend most of our time on the big kid side!

Let's go!  There is plenty of room to run around on this side of the park.

Here's a pecan, Mama!

Found just the right spot to sit down!
(I remember H doing this when he was about the same age - he just had to sit down anywhere that looked just the right height for him).  Yesterday C carried around the snack cup all over, today it was the sippy cup!  He must just like to hold on to things.
Notice his shirt pulling at the buttons?  It fits just fine when he is standing!   He is still chubby, but is slimming up a little bit.  He is down to two rolls on his thighs now.

A little yoga in the park?
There are lots of little tunnel/crawl spaces here, and H likes to explore them.

I am trying to teach H how to pump his legs when he swings, but for now he gets farther on his tummy.

Here comes brother!

 C is very into trying to climb these days.  He does okay climbing up things, but not so good climbing down, and that is the part that worries me!  A lot of following around...

 C and H were chasing each other around the posts here.  Sweet brothers.

 I found you!

No time for pictures, Mama!  I've got to run!

It may be just because I am their Mama, but these pictures seem to show their personalities so well.  
I've been in a bit of a funk this week, and not feeling like the best Mama - but looking on the blog, we've gone swimming in the lake, to the park, to visit Daddy, to play at Square Books, and we've done art projects, made muffins together and played with glow sticks in the bath tub.  Maybe I did a little better than I thought! 
