Friday, October 31, 2014

School boy

 Today was Twin Day at school.  H was twins with his buddy Jake.  

 Last week when we got to my classroom before school, I realized that H's shoes were on the wrong feet and his jacket was inside out.  He's cute anyway!  (He doesn't normally have that happen anymore!  We did get all straightened out before he went to his class.)

 I love my lunch dates with this silly one and his class!

 They had a pumpkin contest last week.  H wanted to make a cat, and we tried to, but it was just not happening... So we settled on a pumpkin "donut" with eyeball sprinkles, and he won first place for his class!

H's homework last week.  He told me the shapes were called "spirit, cynder, ice cream cone, and cube dice."   I like the little police man he drew...
I'm pretty sure I wasn't doing homework like that when I was in Kindergarten!

Thursday, October 30, 2014


The boys (and their mama) just couldn't resist checking out the John Deere tractor behind out house.  What fun they had pretending to drive and work it.  

 Supper picnic on the patio. (Not sure what C is doing).  We ate, chased bugs and laid down to watch the "shooting stars" (jet streams).

 This little frog jumped from the boys' swing to my hand.  Too cute!

There was a whole lot of this on Monday.  The boys were both feeling a little under the weather, and Tatum was a little quiet/sleepy too.  So we just took it easy (and Mama accomplished a whole lot while they were all resting!).

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Halloween festival

 We had a lunch of "mummy" hot dogs before carving out pumpkin!  (Our friends did elaborate designs on their pumpkin, this mama just kept it simple with a Jack-O-Lantern face, sorry boys!)

 After naps/rest, we headed to the Halloween festival at a nearby church.  It was great!  They had several fun games set up, hot dogs and elephant ears for supper, and lots of candy to get.

 After games and food, there were many bounce houses set up for fun! H and his buddy did surprisingly well on these balance/wrestling things.
(And for the kids to burn off all of the sugar they consumed!)

 C loved all of the ones with slides.

I caught the big boys with their arms around each other and telling each other "I love you." So sweet!  Melted my heart!  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

At the boat ramp

There is a boat ramp just around the corner from our house, that we have somehow never explored,  so we set out to fix that this weekend.  It was sort of magical!  We took Tatum with us (mainly because it was so close to home, we could quickly get back if the combination of boys and dog got too wild). 

 The ramp leads to the Bayou, and it was so pretty!  The boys and Tatum enjoyed looking at and chasing baby frogs, minnows, and more.

 Pretty soon it was hunting down rocks to make a splash in the water.

 Tatum and H trying to catch a frog.  There were so many little frogs, and they were so fast!  And they blended in with the was impossible to catch one.

 In search of the perfect throwing rock (whatever that may be!).

 Happy dog!
He came home and put himself in his kennel for the rest of the night.  All of the new smells, sounds, and sights wore him out!

It was sooooo beautiful!  Green grass, blue sky, peaceful water, moss hanging off the trees....

Friday, October 24, 2014


 Family Night, Bible Story about Noah and his crew, playing a ball game (not exactly following the directions) and mini ice cream sundaes.

 H was watching Toy Story of Terror.  
He was oblivious to the fact that I was taking a picture of him.

Enjoying the beautiful sunrise on the way to school.  This morning C said the sky was "sparkly."  

 H and the other teacher's kids have fun letting loose after school.  We have to remind them sometimes that they are still at school...they can get a little wild after being good all day long.

 C's homework was to decorate this milk jug.  We found a cute idea on Pinterest and then C chose his colors, painted it and glued all of the parts on.  I was a little surprised at home symmetrical everything looked.  He named it "Breadstick."

 We had some wild weather one afternoon, including tornado warnings.  It was lunch time and I told the boys that if a tornado came, we would need to run into the bathroom.  H kept telling me that the "tomato" was coming, and that we needed to eat in the bathroom.  So, we had a little picnic in there.  C still tells me that "if I see a big Tomato, I'm gonna smash it, and run to the bathroom!"  They must think I'm crazy, talking about hiding from tomatoes.

A fire truck came to C's school, and he said "the Fire man put me on it and the other Miss Laura (Miss Emily) took a picture." When he came home, he dressed up in our fireman costume (backwards) and was telling us all about it.  His trusty fire-dog, Tatum, always by his side!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Monday Exploring at Forsythe Park

On Monday we packed up a picnic lunch and headed to Forsythe park for some fun! 
The squirrels were very active that day, the boys were expert Squirrel Spotters.

 After lunch they played a bit on the playground, sliding, swinging, climbing, and more!

(A side note: Last year the boys had such a melt down when we switched to long pants from short pants, I made sure to transition into long pants on a weekend where we could discuss it.  C kept asking for his "little pants" (shorts) and telling me "I like cold, I chase it away!"  The "sleeves" (legs) on his pj pants kept coming up, and so he decided that tucking them in his socks was the solution!  H tolerates his jacket so he can keep wearing shorts for another week...)

 Chasing after brother, if only he was a few inches taller...

Balancing on the balance beams

 Such beautiful old trees at Forsythe.  
Once the park loses its interest, there is still plenty left to explore, they began rock and "ecorn" (what C calls acorns) collecting.

 Walking the "great wall" (good time for a mini lesson about the Great Wall of China!) Its hard to see, but H found half of a brick and carried it all across the great wall and all around the park! And then of course, little brother found a little brick to carry too.

 "Look!  We're soup!" (H)
They are both sitting on their bricks.  Still a beautiful park, but I wish I could have seen it when everything was new, and the fountains were running...

They found just the perfect tree to climb,  we had such a great time exploring the park on the beautiful day.

Kiwi Crate: medieval theme

 Cutting out decorations for the castle... Serious work with upside-down scissors!

 Hear ye, hear ye!  
The castle the boys decorated and the people (knight, princess, jester, dragon) were quite fancy! 

 Figuring out the catapult.  
Two heads are better than one, right?
I love how the boys (or at least H, C might still be on the young side) can either figure out the Kiwi Crate by themselves or can do it with a tiny bit of guidance.  

H was very excited once he figured out what the catapult was supposed to do!

The little bullseye that was supposed to be used for the catapult target was discarded very quickly...
People make an even better target!  I enjoyed launching the pom poms too!  H was running far away, but C sat down to make himself an easy target.  Thanks, Kiwi Crate, for a fun morning activity!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Prep-tober Fest

The boys school (well, now just C's school) had their annual Prep-tober fest last week.  They were so excited for the festival!  We talked about how they went to it last year, but I'm not sure if they actually remembered it.  

Enjoying the games.

 All of the games were fun!  They enjoyed giving their tickets, playing the game and then selecting their prize to put in their bags.

 Going on the hay ride around the school. 
(C calls it the "motor car ride.")

 Doing the cake walk.  H won!  
He chose a set of cupcakes decorated like witches hats.

 Taking a picture with "Breadstick," (the milk jug C decorated for his homework. )
They got their faces painted like Spider Man and a red Ninja.

 Face paint, Mardi Gras masks, and glow stick glasses!

On the way home...
one tired Ninja!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Take your child to work day...

We had conference day at school and H tagged along with me that day.  He was such a well behaved and mannered little boy.  I was so proud of him!  (He is usually very good, but every now and again he gets the itch to cause mischief....)

We brought snacks, legos, puzzles, along with all of the music toys and instruments I keep in my classroom.   He happily occupied himself all day!

We took our own little snack recess outside on the play ground.  H was soooo happy out there, showing me all of the things he could do. 

 Taking a little rest on the see-saw.

C went to his school most of the day, but we went and got him on our late break. He was so happy to come to "Mama's school."
 They watched a little bit of Tarzan and had a Lunchable picnic for supper.
If we had to be at school a little extra this week, it was made easier because I was able to get some special time with the boys.  They were such good boys!

C drew a picture of himself! 
"My red letter, A big head, a little belly, a arm, a leg, and nother arm, and nother leg and nother leg!"
We might have a little work to do on that, but I love it anyway! 
