Saturday, April 27, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

H's art

 "A Silly Apple Face"

 H is a good artist.  His favorite medium is Magna Doodle!  For some reason on paper with crayon/pencil/pen, he will make a mark or scribble and be done, but he does really good on the Magna Doodle!

 "Bumper Cars"

 "A Seal"

 "A Whale"

 "A Giraffe with Lots of Spots"

Tatum created this one:
After Tatum ate, I saw a little happy face in his bowl!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pic a Day

 When I went to check on the boys before I went to bed the other night, I saw this!  He must have been dreaming about sunny days!

 Another night, H got a little turned around.

 C was so happy about his new "fops" (flip flops) that he wanted to sleep with them.  I thought they would just stay in the bed with him, but when I went to check on the boys, C had put them on his feet - the right feet too!

 A quick visit to Avent Park. 

 Crazy hair in the bath tub.

 The boys love the Peanut Butter filled crackers.  Somehow C figured that he likes to eat the peanut butter first, then the crackers.  It makes for a slow process.  He is an extremely slow eater. 

H loves to play around on Photo Booth.  We often will pull it out after C goes down for his nap.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Earth day

 In honor of Earth Day, we decided to have a little picnic!  We picked up H from school with lunch in tow and headed to Lamar Park.  H thought it was a "crunchy good idea."  They were very excited about their Lunchables.  A non-Mama made lunch is a treat!

 After lunch, we did a little sun-basking,

 Hill climbing, 

 Rocks-in-the-pocket stuffing, 

 Dandelion blowing, 

And fish watching.

After we got home, H wanted to write in his art journal about some of the things he noticed:  a spider, yellow butterfly, dragonfly and woodpecker. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunday best

 H staged this picture.  

H telling little brother all about the 'zaleas.  "Like at Nanny's house."  

I love that is the south, little ones still wear the sweet little outfits for church (and some wear them every day...) it is fun to imagine that the boys would fit in just fine with their grandparents when they were the same age.  Saddle shoes and smocked outfits!  Precious! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Clara Hartwell's birthday party

Clara Hartwell had a Doc McStuffins birthday party this weekend.  The boys were happy to bring their favorite animals to the party.  H chose Monkey Bar and C chose Watch Doggy, both their favorite stuffed animals that they sleep with every night.  (Watch Doggy was mine and KK's doggy from when we were little to keep scary things away.).  Both boys didn't really have a choice about becoming attached to their blankies (thanks SweetHart!) but they have both chosen their own animals to love.  It's cute to see what they select.  And their selection changes and evolves over time, fun to watch. 

 C enjoyed the bounce house.  His hair was wild by the end of the party!  Static!

 H all but claimed the play house as his.  Mr. Sunshine!

 Doctoring up their animals.  I hope this doesn't start a new obsession with band aids. 

C got the tiniest scratch at the party on his knee.  He had sort of forgotten about it until he got in the car to go home.  Then he was the most pitiful patient!  We had to put some medicine and a bandaid on it and then he sat on the couch whimpering the rest of the night.  
He is the one the whines and whimpers while big brother is at the dentist or doctors.  Today we had to take a splinter out of H's toe and C was screaming, saying "no no no no..." and looking like he was about to pass out.  He definitely has "white coat syndrome" and does not like anyone (himself included) to be in any sort of pain.  I don't look forward to seeing how he reacts when he is really in pain! 

Ice Cream!

 We decided to go to Holli's Sweet Tooth for a little Monday afternoon excursion.  The boys were so excited to choose their own favors (I helped C with his selection.). H, of course, chose the green ice cream (mint chocolate chip) because his favorite color is green.

Watching cars go by, waving to passers by and getting good and sticky with ice cream!
  It's a good life!

The boys changed seats to these little desks, but then they noticed all of the colorful candy!  C kept going back to the drawer with the "shocker" (suckers).  H liked all of the green ones.  Today I came into the kitchen and found C with a chocolate mustache and a Hershey kiss wrapper on the floor.   I didn't know he could reach them or open them by himself! They're growing up!  

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Best

Have a good week!

(This was a hug, not an attack)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Chalk paint

 A beautiful day today!  It was just the kind of day for snacks and chalk paint after naps.  I saw someone on Pinterest who used a muffin tin for the paint colors, and it was the perfect idea!  I am seeing that we might need to start giving them each their own set of each color to avoid arguments.... Or they will just have to quickly learn to share!
The boys loved it!

 They don't seem to have any issues with personal space.  I keep thinking it will be good for them to have their own space or do their own activity (indoors or outdoors), but they tend to gravitate toward each other.

 Our work in progress

He looks so grown sometimes!  He was telling me all about colors right here.

"Excuse me brother, but I need to paint this spot right under you!"  
C wasn't too sure about that.

 I knew we would end up with paint on someone...
C had a painted eye, Tatum had paint on his face, and my toes were covered.  There was even paint on the snack, but somehow H was clean.

Monday, April 8, 2013


 The other day we made some 'noculars (binoculars) with toilet paper rolls.  A quick, easy, and fun craft!  The boys colored the rolls, put stickers on them, we taped them together and attached a string, and we were ready to go 'sploring (exploring)!

 H's 'noculars had Cars stickers all over them.  He checked the sky for birds or butterflies.

 C checked out the yard for cats or reindeer (deer).

 H thought he found a bear in the jungle!

C found some flowers to pick
(one petal at a time...)

C got over the excitement of exploring very quickly.
He has moments where he feels very "two."

Tatum didn't want to be left out!

H also found a deep river to jump over! 

Monroe, Part 2

It was so fun to celebrate Easter at Nanny's house!  The boys loved all of the preparations, and I was so surprised that the Easter Bunny even brought me a basket!

 We did some egg decorating one afternoon while brother was asleep.  H really enjoyed the process.  He kept asking to open the eggs to see what was inside... we tried to discourage it, saying it would be a yucky mess!

 Our creations!  H also put stickers all over them after they dried.

 How much luck do you think a five leaf clover would bring?
We also found a couple of six leaf ones!  Mary Ann said that the patch these came from has always produced extras. 

 The boys found a puddle and made rock/leaf/petal soup.  They then started splashing and stirring, needless to say - they got an extra bath that day!  It was messy but they had a blast! 

 PawPaw and Missy had fun Easter baskets for the boys.  Balls and sporty things for C, and water fun/outdoors things for H.  The boys both loved their baskets and our early Easter Dinner with PawPaw and Missy. 

 H was our Easter lunch helper for Strawberry Shortcake.  He helped cut out very precise little shapes of cake for everyone, poured on strawberries, and then smeared a little whipped cream around.  He said "Mary Ann, this is fun!"  As much fun as he had serving the desert, he didn't want to eat any. 

 We went to Pacha's house (SweetHart's childhood friend) after naps and had a great time exploring the woods!  She had cute bunnies for the boys and gave them a copy of her new book that she wrote: Swamper:  Letters from a Louisiana Swamp Rabbit

 We did our Easter Egg hunt the next morning.  It had rained too much on Easter afternoon.  They boys had a great time finding eggs, and H was so sweet to help C find some when his own bucket was full. 

It didn't take long for them to fall asleep in the car heading back to Oxford.  What a wonderful visit!
