Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Look out!

SweetHart, AK - something is coming your way!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Grands and great-grands

Tonight we had the grand's for supper. H enjoyed seeing them and showed off all of his new tricks for them - jumping and grabbing things. After supper, they watched him while I took a shower!!!! Normally N and I tag-team that kind of thing, but I have been waiting till H is asleep, getting him situated in a bouncy seat/swing/bumbo/etc and then taking a quick and drafty shower before he starts to cry, so tonight it was so nice to close the door and not worry about or listen for the little guy. What a luxury...

H with Grandpa Harry

Signing sidenote: We are using signs for milk, diaper change, pacifier, sleep, Mama, Daddy, etc... and he seems to definitely recognize milk - when I first noticed he recognized it he would get a big smile on his face, and now if I sign it, he turns his head to put whatever he can in his mouth.

Sitting with Nanny - H's great-grandmother. She has the best toys! Paper and magazines, and plastic bottles! He also loves to look at the pattern on her shirt and couch.

Sleeping wrapped up in SweetHart's blanket. The other night I was trying to get H to fall asleep and he was just fighting it and fighting it! Finally I went and got his blankie, put it by his face, and within a second he was out! I would like for him to have a lovey - I had the blanket that my Mama's mama - Mema made for me and loved it for many years, so I am hoping that by not giving him any other options that this will end up being his lovey!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Crafting post

My cousin Micheal's little girl is turning one today! I couldn't think of what to buy for her, so I decided to make her a little pillow with a pocket on the back for treasures or teeth (or both!). Her name is Evangeline, and I hope she likes it.
When Nathan is home, we usually talk and just be together after H goes to bed, but, while he is away, I have found that after H is asleep is the perfect time for uninterrupted crafting! I have also made an apron for my Mama (which I will post a picture of after she receives it)...

You can also purchase a pillow like this on my Etsy shop!!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Jumping Jack (or Harrison)

Growth and enjoyment

H has been growing - in length, weight, but most recently where I have noticed the growth is in his hair! He was born with just a little bit of fuzz, lost most of it shortly thereafter, and has started to grow hair again! I first noticed it in CA, and believe that the cold nights and mornings are what began the growth...he had to grow a downy layer to keep warm! Whatever the cause - he now has noticeable hair.

He went from this:

To this!
I guess it is still a little hard to see - especially since it is blond, but he really has longer hair, I promise! And he has one hair in the middle of his head that is about three times the length of the rest of his hair.

In this picture, H is sitting in his Bumbo in the kitchen while I was putting dishes away. His new keys were not holding his attention, neither was his rings, but I gave him a washcloth, and he happily chewed on it for the longest time! Right now, just about everything goes in his mouth. Who needs toys when you have washcloths?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sleeping babies

Too cute not to post. Leonard doesn't like being left out!

ps - H only sleeps on his tummy sometimes at naptime if I'm in the don't worry!


Thankfully this only happens occasionally, but when rinsing off a stinky cloth diaper with the diaper sprayer - sometimes the sprayer will hit at just the right angle and instead of spraying into the toilet, it will hit the diaper and spray onto your foot.


And, I'm grateful for anti-bacterial stuff!

And we're back again!

A few short days after getting back from CA, we were on the road again to Mobile, AL where we met up with Nathan at his aunt's home. She has a beautiful home, is a wonderful host, and has been nice enoug to put up with us for the past three summers. It is a halfway point between us and Tallahassee where he is working on his masters for six weeks this summer. It was so good to see him! When he picked up H, H just smiled and laughed! It has been funny to see that when I am talking to N on the phone, he will talk to H and he definitely recognizes his Daddy's voice!

Nathan noticed that H has grown a little taller and fuller, that he has grown some more hair, his mouth looks a little bigger, and he is more aware of his surroundings.
Also, somehow my milk supply was totally perfect the whole two weeks we were in CA - but, the four days we were in AL, I was producing too much! I didn't bring a pump, so I was basically leaking and uncomfortable for the whole trip. I'm not sure how that happened....
H has also become a pro at finding his feet, and can roll over from back to tummy and from tummy to back (although he doesn't do these often). We are also teaching him to sign, and while in CA he started to smile really big when I sign 'milk' to him! I have been signing to him for a couple of months now, and was getting a little discouraged because nothing seemed to be happening. Once I saw that he recognizes a sign, I am really excited to sign more! Nathan's aunt - Nanny Dawn - said that N started signing around six months - not too much older than H is now! She said it was really strange to see a baby tell you what he wants!

Taking a bath in the sink at Nanny Dawn's. He usually takes a bath in a baby tub, but there is something so much cuter about a baby in a sink!

Playing on the blanket at Nanny Dawn's that SweetHart gave H in CA. "SweetHart's Garden."

Playing with toes, looking at his daddy!

Playing with GrandMissy. She rode with us on the way there and back, and I could not have done it without her! It made it so that We could make it there without stopping all the time, she played with H, gave him his pacifier, helped him fall asleep, we traded off during bathroom breaks, and, it just would have been impossible without her!

At Nanny Dawn's boat house! It is on a lake/river near the Mobile Bay. H is an outdoor lover, so he was happy to be there all day - enjoy the breeze, seeing people go by on their boats, and being outside!

Being entertained by Daddy.

N and Nanny Dawn were 'crabbing.' This consisted of tying a string to the dock and then tying some meat to the other end of the string, throwing it in the water and waiting! We caught about seven crabs!
When we got home, she boiled them and then showed us how to eat them. The process is very similar to eating crawfish, and they are soooo delicious! I have never eaten crab, so it was a new and delicious experience!

H asleep in the pack and play on the dock.

Swinging with Nanny Dawn and being entertained by GrandMissy. After swinging in the hammock chair for a few minutes, he would look like he was in a sort of trance. This boy does not want to sit... he wants to stand! He would arch his back if he was sitting until you would let him stand! Is he going to skip crawling and go straight to standing/walking?

The happy family

Most of these photos are courtesy of Nanny Dawn - Thank you!

No, we have not fallen off the face of the earth...

We were in CA for two weeks visiting my parents, and then to AL to visit Nathan! SO, we now have a well travelled baby! And, I definately prefer flying with an infant over driving with one!
He did GREAT on the plane! Slept for about 90% of the flights, laughed at/with the seat partners for the other 10% of the time. The only iffy thing was nursing on the plane in close quarters, but I would say we were pretty successful (H got what he needed and I didn't flash anyone!). When we arrived he went right to my Mama like they were old friends - no adjustment time needed! It was great!
I will stop talking now and show some pictures!

Spending a little time with SweetHart.... She had some wonderful friends who let us use some of their grand-kids things - crib, play-mat, stroller, car seat, swing, bouncy seat, baby tub, etc... was all taken care of! We didn't need to worry about anything! I was so thankful for that!

This picture was too cute not to show! Getting his diaper changed on top of the dresser where my parents changed my diaper when I was a baby! Mama put a mirror on the wall and H loooved it! He rolled towards it every time and would smile at himself!

SweetHart tried out the Moby wrap with H while she was watering the flowers. H loves being outside - any time he cries, etc, we take him outside and he immediately stops crying, so he loved the 70ish degree weather and lack of humidity! We spent as much time out there as we could!

After supper, PopHart liked to get H to 'moonwalk.' It was funny, and H liked it!

H's first time at the pool! He was a little unsure of the situation, and kept looking at my Daddy like he was thinking 'will you stop these ladies???' He eventually calmed down and even seemed to like it a little. The next day when we went, he actually fell asleep while I was holding him in the water! The movement of the water either rocked him to sleep or he fell asleep because he wanted to block out the experience....

Daddy's and Grandfathers are good at making babies laugh!

We did a lot of rocking... in the chair that I was rocked in! Although my Daddy said that when he rocked us, we would put our toenails in his belly button. Thankfully H prefers this sleeping position.

Spending some time with AK (Aunt Karen). They had lots of good times playing and talking!

Many days of our visit, Mama and I walked around Osage park and talked a lot!
While the little guy did this:

At Peet's Cafe. He wanted some tea! There just aren't cafe's like this in Monroe, so I enjoyed making a few cafe visits.

At Union Square in SF. I needed to get my big city fix! H with SweetHart and PopHart.

In front of the Irish Bank - our favorite restaurant/pub in SF. We didn't order H a Guiness though - he was very disappointed! We had a very resourceful/inventive experience changing a stinky diaper in the pub bathroom that had no changing table and a very small triangular counter.....

Getting ready to go to the airport with a kiss from AK!

I was very glad to find that the airplanes have changing tables in their bathrooms!!!! I have ready about mothers changing diapers while their babies balance on their laps in the plane bathroom with turbulence... sounds like a bit of a nightmare! But, unfortunately we did not have to experience this!

So, from start to finish, we had a wonderful trip! SweetHart, PopHart, AK - we love and miss you, and can't wait to see you again!
