Monday, November 30, 2009

How to treat a lady:

Today Isabella came over to play with H and I so I thought I would take a minute to teach him a few valuable lessons.  It's never too early, right?

So:  How to treat a lady:

 Always offer plenty of foot rubs.

Dote on her often!

Know the importance of holding hands.

And, most importantly, know when to put on your camouflage pajamas
and HIDE!!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Army crawl no more!

H and Stella (during their visit he stole both her sock and pacifier)

H and AvaLee (He kept trying to grab her face!)

So, we are still working on our social etiquette.

We went to Alabama to visit N's brother and sister-in-law, sister, nieces, and grand niece!
We had a great time, and H reached a new milestone - crawling! We realized that it was easier to do the army crawl here on our hard wood floors because he would just slide, but there they had carpet and he would get stuck if he tried the army crawl, so.... he had to crawl! It's pretty cute! It still takes a little bit of effort, but he can get around!

Friday, November 20, 2009

A new craft.... (do I have a crafting problem?)


I love the sweet style and look of Waldorf dolls, and I had made a simple star baby in the Waldorf style a few months ago, and was a little wary of trying to make a full doll. But, after finishing making all of the gear for an upcoming festival, I decided to jump right in! They are not as difficult as I thought, though there is a lot of manipulating that takes place, and a certain amount of letting the doll be what it will be. So, after all of that and a few sore fingers later (there is a lot of hand stitching involved) I ended up with these two little boys! I think they turned out pretty cute! I learned a few new techniques too!

Don't you wish you had hair like this???

Next task is to make some cute clothes to cover them! I was tempted to call title this post "Faux-Dorf's" because they use all synthetic materials instead of the natural wool/bamboo/cotton that they are supposed to be made with. Nathan wouldn't let me do that though.... I thought it was clever though!

A little cuteness to leave you with:

Our laundry machine is out back behind our house, I was in the shower and N was going to go get the fluff (cloth diapers) from the dryer. He came in and showed me this!!! It was so cute that I made him take a picture. Aren't you glad?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hey! Guess what!

Are you paying attention???

Do you know what I'm gonna tell you?

shhh, it's a secret...

(If you click on this picture you should be able to see my TWO teeth)

Ok. Do you want a kiss now?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

In the army now!

I wanted to try to capture this before he actually learns to crawl. In the video he is trying to get to Leonard, but then Leonard left... but then you can see him sit up! It is surprising how much work it takes to crawl and sit up! Makes me tired just watching him (and staying one step ahead!!!).

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Veteran's day happenings

Well, we started off the night before with a little hide and seek! N and I were eating our supper and heard H making a little noise, but couldn't see him. Normally he is right in the middle of the floor in plain sight. After looking a little further, we found him on the other side of the coffee table underneath it, happily playing with a giraffe!

We went for a lovely walk on the levee after lunch. The water in the Ouachita river is VERY high right now. about 48 feet high. I'm not sure what the norm is, but in this picture you would normally be able to see lots of grass, a river bank, a road, volleyball courts, and the whole structure that you can only see the roof of in this pic... I hope it goes down soon!

Taking a break from the stroller to ride on Daddy's shoulders. If he stays in the stroller too long, he'll fall asleep, and I'd prefer him take a good nap!

Reading with Grandpa Harry and GrandMissy before bed.

Some more play things....

I LOVE scrap projects!!! The kind that you don't go to the store for - just your fabric basket!
I saw the idea for this here. The cover for mine is not as picturesque, but I like it! Easy to make - in the crazy quily style. Just lay some fabric here or there and start sewing! I am really enjoying projects that are not exact these days.

The cover

green and yellow

pink and brown

And, some soft blocks with animals to match! These were fun to put together. Of course, H is not yet to the point where he could match animals or the letters, but they are fun to grab on to, and have lots of fun dots to catch the eye!

Added learning bonus for down the road: he can start to learn his letters and match the letters... but, we just like to look now!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009


A few of the toys I have made for H. Labors of love... (One of the joys of love! I get to make all of these fun toys! And, it keeps me sane to have a project going....)

Pond Pals Stacking rings

Shape sorter toy, I like this one, but I'm not sure I'll make it again. It was sort of a pain to get edges and corners lined up. But, that is probably what I get for making it without a pattern!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I hope you have a great week!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Flower power

I have enjoyed doing a few floral embellishments lately. It is amazing what they can do to a formerly plain object.

On a sweater that is a couple years old and needs a little freshening.

On the floor pillow that is protecting the legs of our coffee table from H's head.
(I guess protecting H's head from the coffee table legs is better...)

The pillow on my chair, it was previously plain white, now cute!
