Thursday, April 30, 2009

Old MacDonald had a farm..

With a baa baaa here....

Part I

Part II
He really has a tiny heiny, but cloth diapers add a lot of padding!

On Monday, for the children's music academy that I am director over, there was a concert that I had to be at, and it worked out that H needed to go with me. He had been up for a little while, and it was about the time that he would normally fall asleep. Music, especially live music seems to put him right to sleep, so while the children were singing - he would fall asleep, but every time the audience would clap - he would wake up! So, after three thirty minute concerts at local retired living and nursing homes he was a bit of a wreck! If only they didn't need to clap so much... But, thankfully he didn't start crying until it was just me and him back in the car.

He is still doing great with bath time! It's hard to tell, but I think he may enjoy it! He doesn't smile too much during bath time, but, he also doesn't cry... Little boys like to spray when they are getting a diaper change or getting bathed. He hasn't sprayed me during a diaper change in probably over a month which has rendered our pee-pee tee-pees dormant, but every time we bathe him he lets out a nice long stream! It must be the warm water...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Little Laughs

He's been smiling for a little while, but now, every once in awhile, we can get a laugh out of him. Usually if we start trying to video him, he starts seriously looking at the camera and stops smiling or doing whatever cute thing he was doing.
Two people that can get a smile out of him fairly regularly are his GrandMelissa and Pawpaw. Whenever they come and start signing and talking to him, he starts smiling and laughing. He loves when they come to play with him!

Today, I was folding the clothes and playing peek-a-boo with the burp cloths with him and snuck the video camera in before he realized it - so I caught his little laugh!

Disclaimer: Please do not hold how silly I sound making those noises against me - it was for a good cause!
Side note: You can also tell when he noticed the video camera because he stopped smiling as much and started staring at the camera.
Special thanks to: Uncle Duane for sending us this camera to capture these little moments!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Today we went to get H's two-month shots. After waiting for a long time, he had fallen asleep, and then it was our turn. He actually handled it a lot better than I thought he would. When he got the shot, he would cry/scream, then fall back asleep after the shock wore off. I will say though, he didn't cry as much as the 4 year olds there getting their shots!
I handled it better than I thought I would as well. I just had to look at his eyes, not his legs, when they gave him the shots. It's tough being a mama!

Then, to add insult to injury, the nurse gave him pink band-aids! The least she could do was give him blue or green, or even yellow! Poor baby...

a side note: The stray cat that lives near our house had kittens a little while back, and they have just come out of hiding (in the roof of the garage). They are cute! She is still nursing them and is very protective of them as well. It is strange to feel kinship with a cat!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Just another day at the office.....

It's a little hard to tell, but there is a tie that I appliqued onto H's shirt. We just thought that he looked too cute so we put him in Nathan's briefcase and took some pictures!

Other recent events: he had his two month check-up the other day and is now a healthy 12 pound - 5 oz, and 24 inch bundle of love!

He had vitamins for the first time today. It was the first thing other than milk that he tasted, and his face went from peaceful - to surprised - to serious in a matter of seconds! It smells terrible, so I can only imagine what it would taste like. I just realized that I must have got some in my hair somehow because I have been smelling it all day.... yuck!

Sometimes work is hard!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny brought us a wonderful Easter basket this year!

We had Easter dinner with GrandMelissa and Pawpaw.

We took the opportunity to take a few family photographs. Someone had given us a beautiful smocked outfit, and we didn't want to miss the chance for Harrison to wear it. A bath, pictures, and company wore him out!

One funny thing that we have found is that if you make the "motorboat" sound with your lips, Harrison will look around with wide eyes trying to figure out what on earth is making the sound. Sometimes if he is crying, I will do it and it will distract him a little - but yesterday I think I did the sound a little too loud and it scared the you-know-what out of him! oops!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


the bottle

Preparing for the big event! We figured that at almost seven weeks, it was about time to try out this bottle thing before he won't take one!

At first he was looking at us like he was thinking "what is this that you are putting in my mouth???" It leaked a few drops of milk into his mouth, and then he got the picture! He figured out what he was supposed to do and went to town! He'll just need to do a little work on mastering the milk flow. I think it comes out faster from a bottle than he is used to because the whole front of his shirt was wet when he was finished!

Mission: accomplished!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friend or foe?

Harrison still doesn't seem to know that Leonard exists, and Leonard tolerates Harrison's presence. If it is not evident through this blog, Leonard was more or less our 'first child,' and we had dreams of these two being buddies. We are just watching to see where the relationship will go. Maybe we should wait until after Harrison learns not to pull Leonard's tail (when he reaches that stage, we're not there yet!).

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A few of our favorite things

This cradle was given to us by the mother of one of my students and it has been so wonderful! It stays by our bed at night - to make the last night feedings a little easier - and during the day it can be wheeled into the living room or wherever we need it to be. Along with providing a place to lay Harrison down, it also holds some necessities - the Boppy, pacifier, burp cloth, blanket, etc... (This picture was taken within hours of him coming home from the hospital. Six weeks has flown!)

The Boppy! Not only does it help with feeding/nursing, it helps give Daddy's and grandpa's a little arm support when holding babies. (We have found that women are built to hold babies for long periods of time without tiring, but men are not! Father and grandfather both use the Boppy to assist with this problem.) It is also wonderful as a baby lounge. You can prop him in it like a chair and then see him easily to talk or smile to, or he loves to sit in it and watch me fold laundry.

The bumGenius diaper sprayer. I would have put a picture of it up, but a picture of Harrison in bG diapers is much, much cuter! We are going the cloth diaper route which has so far been wonderful, and the diaper sprayer is one of the most wonderful inventions! It hooks up to the toilet and you can use it to spray any mess off of the diapers and into the toilet. Wonderful for a newborn who is breastfed - I had no idea..... (This also happens to be my favorite outfit of his. I loove naked babies!)

The mei tai baby carrier. I made this one with easy directions from the internet, and it has been a lifesaver while doing laundry, shopping at Walmart and during food preparations. A lifesaver! This way, he gets to be close to Mama, I have my hands free, and we are both happy! Once in it, he almost immediately gets a drugged look on his face and then promptly falls asleep.

This smiling face. Need I say more?
