Monday, February 28, 2011


I made a set of loafers for the new baby with this pattern from polkadotposh on etsy. They turned out cute, so I had to make H a pair too. I am thinking what a cute picture it would make to have both boys in these shoes and the hats I crocheted.....

When H saw them sitting on the piano this morning, he picked up a shoe and said "cuuute!"

H was playing photographers helper this morning.

An impromptu play date

The weather was so beautiful this weekend, we spent a lot of time outside. At first it was just us and H playing outside, but before we knew it, Henry from down the street and Harper from around the corner had come to play too!
There are a surprising number of little ones all born within about 6 months of each other in our neighborhood.

And a little picture of H.
We have a step stool by the bathroom sink, to make hand washing for H easier. Often I will find him in there making faces at himself or bringing his sippy cup in there to watch himself drink. He thinks he's pretty cute, and so do we!

Later on crafts

I've recently begun to worry that after baby boy #2 arrives that I won't be crafting for awhile. So, I decided to go ahead and make a few crafts from my list for H. They are all for when H is a little older, but I thought it would be great to make them now and pull them out when he is older, or if he is needing something new after the new baby arrives.

I kept coming across this tutorial for a "silly faces" set. So simple to make and so much room for imagination. This would probably be for way down the road - I am not sure when H would be ready to make all sorts of different faces with it. It just consists of four pages with four different colored ovals and a pocket with a lot of various felt cutouts to make silly faces or designs. I used the tutorial and pattern from Chez Beeper Bebe.

A "Gone Fishing" set.
I roughly followed this tutorial on Holy Craft. There are little magnets in the fish and in the worm on the fishing pole. Inside there is a pond, and two pockets: one for the fish and one for the fishing pole. I thought this could be great for car rides or just at home.

A "Spinny Speller." H knows his letters, but is definately not spelling yet. I liked the idea of this as a simple tool for spelling and it uses simple consonant-vowel-consonant combinations. You can just spin the blocks around and discover all of the words it can make! I used the tutorial from Counting Coconuts, but instead of writing on the letters, I used my Silhouette to cut them out.
Pssst! I made an extra but we only need one....does anyone want the mini one?

And a little crafting for the Mama...

And a new face lift for my perpetual calendar. (The picture is a little dark, but the skinny blocks on the side have the days of the week on them and the ones on the bottom have the months.) It stays in the window ledge over my kitchen sink. After being a stay-at-home-mom for a little while I began to realize that my days were starting to blend together. After I made the first perpetual calendar, I found that it helps me to keep track of the days and feel like I am at least somewhat in touch with the world!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Being Two

Just some things I want to remember about H at this stage:

He loves fresh veggies

He is defniately a Southern boy: he says "na-yuck" for snack, "mo-wer" for more, "ee-um" for the letter M, "may-ose" for mouse, "kay-och" for couch, "dee-up" for dip, and many more one syllable words that he makes into two.

He loves to get zerberts/rasberries on his tummy

He loves to go up to you and grab your leg and say "bizz" (his version of bzzz) like he is shocking you - especially if you give a good reaction.

He says his own prayers now. He will put his hands together and say "God. Amen." Sometimes he feels the need to pray in the middle of a meal too.

He knows all of his letters, and can count up to 20.

He likes to have music on all day long. (Thank you Pandora!)

He loves to read - especially his Bible, Mother Goose, and the Oops Book.

He loves to do puzzles.

If anyone is eating something sweet, especially ice cream, he will climb up and get right in their face.

When we change his diaper, H will ask for "shumfing" (something) to play with. N can also often distract H by asking him if he wants to go see 'something.'

He can eat! Often he can eat about as much as N or I - especially if it is something he really likes. He seems to always be telling us that he is "hugreen" (hungry) or that he wants "brefas" (breakfast) or "shuppuh" (supper).

He is becoming increasingly attached to his little blankie which he calls "two."

He likes "water ice" (water with ice).

When he wakes up in the morning, the first thing he says is "diaper change." He knows the routine.

When we put him in the crib at night, he will often say "Wuv you" (I love you) over and over until we close the door.

Free at last!

Last week H had been telling me "ear hurt" every couple of days. I didn't think he had an ear infection because he had no fever and was just as happy and energetic as he normally is. But, after the third time, we went to the doctor just in case, and lo and behold he had a double ear infection! Poor little guy! So we spent most of this week laying low and recovering. Today we went to story time at the library and he seemed happy to be out and about!

He was really enjoying playing on the steps outside of the library after story time. Looking through these pictures, I was enjoying all of the expressions he used in such a short period of time!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Birthday Crafting

I just couldn't help myself but make a few cute things for the birthday boy!
I added a little number 2 applique to a shirt to advertise his "two-ness". He is acting a little bit more two more often these days...asserting himself if he doesn't want to get in the car or go inside, answering 'no' to most questions - even when he goes ahead and does whatever we were asking anyway.

I saw the cutest pattern online for a bunny bowling set and couldn't resist making H one! And then I couldn't resist making a matching fabric basket and felt ball to go with it. They are cute little bunnies filled with stuffing and rice. They knock over fairly easily too. And, with floppy ears and cute little faces, what's not to like?

For the bowling set I made a needle felted ball. It has a little glass ball and lots of felt scraps as the center, to give it enough weight to knock over the bunny pins, but not too much weight or hardness that the ball could cause damage in the home.

I found the tutorial and easy to follow pattern at The Long Thread

I made little crayon caddy's for the birthday guests.
Quick and easy to make. Who doesn't love a personalized gift?

H can sing the ABC song and recognize most of the letters of the alphabet and can count to 20, but can't recognize the numbers, so I made him a little set of number magnets. These are made from tea tin lids (my sister works at a coffee shop and my Mama is an avid tea drinker, so they had an abundance of these perfect-for-crafting lids!) I just cut out circles of paper and used the Silhouette to cut out the numbers, then glued on magnets - I think I was finished with the whole project in about 10 minutes! I am thinking about doing another set with family members on them, and maybe even colors too! H has loved them, and counts up to 20 on all 10 of the magnets!

This was not for H, but I figured for his party, it would be best to take down the nativity silhouette on this glass cube (our last reminder of Christmas), so I put our family initial and the year N and I were married. Classy looking, and there are no more Christmas decorations anymore!

I love any excuse to make cute things!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rowan Oak

Our wonderful neighbor is a talented photographer and was willing to do a little photo shoot of H today. We went over to Rowan Oak, William Falkner's home and took some pictures. It was a beautiful place for photos! Great old home, barn, and lots of green! H was not the most cooperative this afternoon, but we managed to get some great pictures. I think we will try to get her to take some of the boys after little brother is born.

26 weeks

I saw this the other day on someone's blog and loved it! The first few months of this pregnancy when I was soooo tired, I would tell my Mama that I felt so unproductive and uncrafty and she would tell me that I was making the ultimate craft: a baby!

26 weeks

I wanted to write just a little about a few of my favorite pregnancy things - aside from sleep, milk, warm showers, and more sleep!

The Boppy Total Body pillow
I actually got this when I was pregnant with H. It really helps when you start to get very uncomfortable sleeping. It helps to keep you on your side, helps keep his from hurting (by having a little pillow between your knees), and gives your tummy a little love!

One thing I get so frustrated with is that maternity pants never seem to stay up! I had seen these when pregnant with H but was a little skeptical. I was getting so frustrated that I was ready to wear suspenders but wasn't sure what kind of fashion statement I would be making with those. My Mama kindly purchased a few Bella Bands for me, and they make such a huge difference! They help keep your pants from falling down constantly. And they suggest wearing it after the baby is born when nursing if you don't want to show your post-baby belly off.

Just a few things that make pregnant life a little better.

Now, if only I could teach H to give me a back massage every day....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Two Years!

I cannot believe that two years ago today, we were sitting in the labor and delivery room waiting and praying, and pushing to get this little boy out. I knew that life was going to change, but just couldn't begin to imagine exactly how much that little 8 pound bundle of love was going to effect our lives....

Happy Birthday Harrison!

Just born!

3 months old, May 2009

6 months, August 2009

9 months, November 2009

1 year old! February, 2010

15 months old, May 2010

18 months, August 2010

21 months, November 2010

2 years! February 2011
