Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

After church and nap time we tried to have our own little Easter egg hunt in the yard...
I'll let you see how it went....

"yewow egg!"

"Anyfing in dare?"
(anything in there?)

(open it!)

It looked like he was thinking that N and I should just go find the eggs ourselves.
He thought it was silly.

"Fine it! Gween egg!"
(I found the green egg!)

"Bwu egg"

He found something that he liked to do with the eggs...dump them out!

We eventually decided to give up on the egg hunt and go for a walk.

Better luck next year?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Rainy Kind of Day

(cute feet!)

"pway-ush" (splash)

Today was supposed to be stormy, and for a little while it definitely was! It was just raining a little bit, but then it started pouring (or, "raining cats and puppies" as Nanny says), and then a little thunder and lightning, and then marble sized hail! Once it calmed down a little we went outside and looked at all of the bugs that were crawling around, stomped and splashed in puddles, threw the bits of hail, drank water off of the pole (I kept saying 'yucky,' and he kept saying 'yummy!'), and just enjoyed a wet morning!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Today, it was such a beautiful day, we decided to celebrate and eat our "wunch" (lunch) "ou-side" (outside).

(caution: a lot of pictures here - I didn't feel like picking and choosing today)

H decided to help getting lunch ready.
"Ca-yut" (carrot), "shamich" (sandwich), mmmm.

"gir-rul chwee" (squirrel in the tree)


When looking through the pictures, I was enjoying all of his facial expressions:

Looking at the "weaves" (leaves)

So pretty in the backyard, chicken wire, baby gates and all!
I think we will do this a lot more - at least until it gets miserably hot and the wasps and mosquitoes start to swarm.

The three of us enjoyed our lunch!

(5 weeks to go!!! Today H was pointing to his own "wewwy button" (belly button) and said baby bruver. Maybe he thinks everyone has baby boys in their belly buttons!)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Silly boy

Today I was wondering where H was - it had gotten a little too quiet...
...and found him under the covers in our bed!
He said "nigh, nigh, Mama. Seep good" (Night night mama. Sleep good.)
It made me want to climb in and snuggle with him!

My parents gave H this awesome door puzzle for Christmas, and every time he opens this door and finds the knight, he says "Jesus!" I keep trying to teach him that it's a knight - but I guess someone dressed in armor and prepared to do battle for us is not a bad way to imagine Jesus!
(He also called just about every Santa figure that he saw around Christmas time Jesus also - again, the bearer of gifts - not a bad connection...)

"wake up!"

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sewing for baby brother

I was recently looking through some of H's old things from when he was a baby and realized that a few changes/revisions needed to be made/remade!

Some new pacifier clips - H's old ones looked a little grungy, and like there was some baby food that would never come off, so I made a few new ones for this little guy.

A ring sling - I used a mei-tei, moby and pouch sling for H. I was able to use both the mei-tei and moby when he was still tiny, but they were so cumbersome to put on. The pouch sling was great for when he gained some head control. From what I've seen, the ring slings are great for tiny babies and are not as cumbersome (don't have as much extra fabric) as the mei-tei and moby, so I sewed one up and will give it a try!

A new diaper bag for H - I realized that little brother will be using H's bigger diaper bag when he is born, and now all H really needs is a diaper or two, wipes, wet bag and a change of clothes. There is also enough room for a sippy cup and bag/cup of goldfish. So I made him a little backpack (just like his travel bag) but added two simple pockets on the inside. It will be nice to have a smaller bag for H's things.

A set of blocks for baby brother. I know he won't be playing with these anytime soon, but I had made a set for H a long time ago and thought that this baby should have his own set. (H's set has two R's so he can spell his name - this one will work just right for this baby). I just wanted him to have something of his own.

Burp cloths - some of H's old burp cloths had his initial on them, so I needed to change the initial for the new baby. While I was at it, I made a couple of new ones. I love this flannel!

A little video of H counting. He can count pretty well normally, but lately he has been skipping 4 and 6. Tonight he was counting the pegs on a lego block. And, when asked "how old are you?" he has been responding with "free (3)." But tonight he first said 3 and then changed it to 5.... (it is hard to hear over the music and rustling of blocks) He is keeping us on our toes!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hand me downs - freecycling

I have developed a new appreciation for hand-me-downs and "freecycled" items since being married, and especially since becoming a mother. When I was younger, I really liked new things, store bought things, I liked being the only one to use something. Shortly after H was born, Mama's (SweetHart's) good friend Judy started asking us if we wanted some of her daughters' children's clothing. We said yes! So, from about 9 months old, H has been wearing about 93% of clothing from Judy. They are in great condition, cute, and perfect for our busy little guy. I've only had to purchase a small amount of clothes to supplement - something for a specific occasion, shoes, etc. We have been so thankful for these, especially since little ones go through clothes so quickly, and now, since we will be having another little boy, these clothes will be used once again!
Snack time! Graham crackers and sunshine!

Being a boy and finding who-knows-what by the road

One of the cute outfits from Judy

"tapiwer" (Caterpillar)


I know I mention from time to time the great things (toys and such) that we find at Goodwill - great quality toys and other things that just need to be cleaned off, and a couple things that we have found in our neighborhood (H's couch, a couple unused baskets - that people leave sitting by the side of the road). A few months ago, we saw this cute little old fashioned desk and asked the people if they were getting rid of it, and they said "take it!" So, we did! It is still sitting out in the garage, but eventually I plan on cleaning it off and let H start using it for art/homework, etc. But, for now, he likes to find the little paintbrushes that are in the garage and "paint" the desk.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Stars, stripes, ovals and bumble bees

Stars and stripes! Watching "street" (sesame street) in his striped pj shirt and star "unnies" (undies) isn't it a cute heiny?

"Hi, people!"
We took a walk around the square today and H got sidetracked by some stairs, then he got sidetracked by the passersby and was waving and saying "hi, people!" Definitely a social little boy, and definitely his father's son!

Spring is here! 88 degrees today and flowers popping up all around - these little purple ones are by our front door.

He took a little break from bumble bee watching to look at a "copper" (helicopter)

And kick the "oval" ( our neighbors gave him a football and he keeps calling it an oval - not quite the right name, but at least we know that he knows his shapes!)

Picking leaves and bark

"Wummel wee, rye here" (bumble bee, right here)
Our azaleas are blooming too!

"says beeeeeeee" (it says bzzzz)
