Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Call me: SUPER H!!!!

I can fly!

Wow, I'm strong!

Here's the drill:
knock-knock, trick or treat, thank you, blow kiss, next house

I mean business!

Look at Henry! He's a frog!

I'm getting tired, Daddy!

Ok, just this last one...

Are we finished yet?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just a little cuteness

It was another hat day.
Harrison wants to like popsicles, but I think they are too cold for him

Don't you just want to hug him?

What he really likes about popsicles is to suck on the stick for a little while.

Do you see the spider?
It is a zipper spider - scary looking but harmless. It has tried out a few new spots in our yard. H likes to go check and see if the spider is in the same place every day. If he's not, the spider must be at work...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pacifier at work

H, ready for naptime
(with both blankies and his paci)

A couple of months ago we started limiting H's pacifier time to just naptime and bedtime. It wasn't as bad of a transition as I thought it would be, although it did take a lot of distractions, hugs, and drinks of water to get through the first week....

He had started to be fine without it, and when we were driving somewhere one day, H told me that his pacifier was at work to explain it's absence.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Silly boy

This is the gate that we use to keep Leonard out of the back of the house at night, and to keep H in a certain part of the house occasionally. During the day it stays to the side. He has lately been enjoying getting himself between the gate and the wall.

I'll let you decide what's happening in these pictures....
I'm not sure I've decided....

Puzzle love

H has been getting into puzzles lately. And, he is still fascinated by letters. I was looking around on etsy one day and came across this shop that makes awesome customized wooden puzzles. I contacted the shop and ended up with this totally awesome wooden puzzle with H's name on it! I even got to choose the colors! He has been really into it since it came. When it arrived in the mail, it was so cutely wrapped. It is high quality, all of the wooden edges are smooth, beautiful paint colors, clear letters...

Holding it upside down to make the letters fall out

Trying to put the 'eks' (s) and 'arro' (r) in the right spots.


The 'aaeee' (I) required a different approach

He knows where all of the letters go, and knows that he needs to 'turn, turn, turn' the piece if it doesn't fit at first. He also knows most of these letters by name now.

Monday, October 18, 2010

We love you, Bawar!

In the last post, I mentioned that H calls Pop and SweetHart "Bop and Wawar." We noticed over the weekend that if he would see a picture of them together, he would call them "Bawar."

We had such a great visit with them! I realized that I didn't take any pictures on Saturday - but we had a great time. We went to story time at Square Books Jr, and then walked around the square for a bit, ate lunch together, took a family rest, and then Nathan and I got to go on a date (!!!) while Pop and SweetHart played with H. We even got to stay away over night while they ate BBQ, went for walks, had bathtime, watched football, went to the park, and played! I know Nathan and I enjoyed a little time off, and I'm sure H enjoyed a little time off from us!

Reading with Pop

Coloring with SweetHart (just about everything is green to H these days)

Trying to help Pop check his 'me-mail'

Snack-time on the porch

Entertaining the adults (hard work for a little guy)

Pop made the Hart family traditional Sunday dinner for us and it was sooo good! H loved it and ate some of all of it - even the broccoli!

Getting some snuggles in before they had to leave this morning.

Come back soon, Bawar!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bop and Wawar

Bop and Wawar = Pop and SweetHart

They're here! They came to visit us, and as we were waiting for them to pull up, H and I went on a little bike ride. Once he saw them, he giggled and giggled and giggled - like he couldn't believe they were really here!!!

Mmmm, ice cream

A little post-dessert wrestling

A little Sesame Street - I think SweetHart was enjoying it the most!

After Sesame Street, it was off to Avent Park (our favorite park here) for a little play time.

Then, we headed back home for some lunch, a nap, and then after naptime H helped SweetHart and Pop with a little yardwork (they were helping us bring some order to an unruly yard)

All that yard work wore him out???

Doing some manly work

Bike ride around the neighborhood

A little afternoon-outside story time

H normally only watches one show a day (if he watches at all) but today after all of the excitement of having four adults to entertain (hard work for a little guy) he needed to decompress with some Fraggle Rock (and blankie and Elmo)

Whew! What a day! He's dreaming about what we'll do tomorrow!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy Harvest!

This morning we went to story time at Square Books Jr. and then walked around the corner to a little county fair on the square. It was quite the event! Popcorn, prizes, fire trucks, a dunk tank, face painting and more!

H loved the nacho chips and hot dogs. He kept making sweet eyes to the little girl sitting next to him - I think he was trying to get her to give him more food!

We tried to get him to taste the cotton candy, but he just wasn't having it! From this angle, I might understand why!

He did know what to do with a cupcake though.

He loved being in the drivers seat on the fire truck.
He was trying to find the button to make it go 'beep!'

We were a little worried that he would push a button or pull something that he shouldn't on the fire truck.

A little music

We walked over to the pumpkin patch at one of the church's on the square.

Where'd they all come from?

Where's Waldo/Where's H?

This is my favorite of the day

A maze!

H chose a pumpkin to take home

After we washed hands and changed a diaper, H, Leonard and Nathan snuggled
for quite some time! H was pooped!
