Wednesday, October 31, 2012

You can come to my party for five minutes

 H's class had a little Halloween party this morning, and he told us we could come to the party for Five minutes!  We told him we wouldn't miss it! 
 He and his little buddies were all so cute in their Halloween clothes, doing their thing in the classroom.  They did some pumpkin bowling.  (Just a note, he is such a different boy than he was six months ago! He can still be wild and trying, but he can wait his turn patiently, he doesn't have to have everything right then, and he can exhibit a little self control too!  Thank you preschool!)

 They made toilet paper roll Mummy's and Frankenstiens (Crankysteens as H calls it)  Daddy was helping and C wanted to help too!

 Spooky story time!  
C wanted to listen too!  H knows right where his spot on the carpet is.

 All the little kids!

 Snack time! 
The big kids had snack, and C wanted one too!  He walked right up to an empty seat and patted the table for his own plate.

H was happy to see us, but not totally affected by our presence, which I guess is a good thing.

 They showed the parents some of the cute songs they sing/act to.  
How cute!  And the kids love them.

Our cute preschooler (with his glow in the dark skeleton pajama top)  
I'm in love!

Around Here

 We've been making lunches 
(trying to give H some more responsibility around here, and he likes it!)

 Keeping warm?
(In the drawer under the stove...)

 Working on self control?
(the boys share a room and we've been working to get H to leave him alone in the mornings - keep hands out of the crib, etc... He was doing really good with it, but I think we're digressing...)

 Potty training.
(Not really, but lately C has been lifting the toilet seat, pulling his shirt up and pushing his belly against the potty.  I think he thinks he's doing what big brother does!)

 Putting on puppet shows
(We have some people puppets, but these seem to be the favorites.  And H's puppets can only sing "If you're happy and you know it say clap clap.")

And a little bit of cooking.
(C has been really into cooking in the kitchen lately.  A couple of times I have found him totally under the kitchen.  Looking for something, I guess.)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Jack Lantern

 We've had a big pumpkin sitting on the counter for a little while now, and finally it was time to carve it!  H was so excited about the "Jack Lantern"  and kept asking when Daddy would be home.  Such excitement!  We got the tools out and our jackets on and got ready!  (It's turned very cold all of the sudden!)  H kept giggling!  He couldn't contain his excitement!

 C was interested,  but a little wary of all of the strings!  He gets nervous with spiders, frogs, and the "ooey gooey punkin" (as H calls it). 

 H helped some (albeit ineffectively).

 We made this last week, H calls it "toe ghosties."

 The finished product!  I thought they were a bit adventurous.  I kept trying to tell them to just stick to a typical jack-o-lantern face, but they proved me wrong!  H was so proud!

Right before bedtime, we lit a candle, put our pajamas on and turned out all of the lights to watch it glow!  

This morning H told me he wanted to make a pumpkin with a skeleton on it!  
Next year...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Boys and Girls

 We had a birthday party to go to today for Brody.  His little sister, Kylie, is in H's class at school, and I think it is pretty safe to say that they are best buds!  I had a few more pictures from the party, but they pretty much are all the same:  H and Kylie playing here and there!  I hear a lot about Kylie during the week (more than I hear about his other classmates), and H was so excited to see her at the party! 

 C and Kylie's little sister, Ashlyn, hit it off pretty good too!  They both enjoyed playing with the ice (and eating it) in the baby pool for awhile. 

H did play with some of the other kids too, but mainly it was just he and Kylie!  Two peas in a pod.  I think we might need to have a playdate soon!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Super Boys!

 The Moms group had a little Halloween party this week, so we did a trial run in our costumes (H calls them costrooms)  this week.  I thought the boys would be pulling off their masks or capes, but they happily wore them the whole time!  (H wore the same costume two years ago, so C is now wearing H's old shirt, just made a new shirt for H and cape and mask for C). 

 Listening to a Halloween story.

 I'm so strong!

 They look like such fierce superheroes, don't they!  H and Hayden had a great time together.  They both have baby brothers, and like to make the baby brothers laugh!

 Even superheroes need to eat!  H went wild over candy corn, and C loved the mini pumpkin muffins.

Afterward, we went by Daddy's office and did a little practice trick or treating!  It takes a lot of work to get these little guys ready! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

An apple a day

 I got a five pound bag of little apples one time on a whim, and I think it was C that discovered them.  The boys have been hooked ever since!  We all typically have one a day, so we go through that bag of apples fairly quickly!  Since the apple juice dribbling down their chin can stain light colored shirts, I try to make sure they are in dark shirts.  Or, if the weather is nice like it was today, no shirts! 

H ate his while riding on the plasma car.

 C enjoyed his while on the Radio Flyer sit-n-scoot.
When C eats an apple, you have to get it started for him, also he takes a bite and then chews on it until he has eaten all of the pulp off - then spits out the skin. (Another reason why it is best to eat apples outside!)

 It was so nice and quiet (for about five minutes) while their mouths were busy eating and their bodies were busy scooting!  I could actually think clear for a minute!

 Then they got busy again!  H likes to love on brother and make him laugh and get a reaction out of him.  C doesn't always like this.... he has started to fuss most anytime when H holds onto him for too long....I don't think I blame him! 

 H spent a little time marching back and forth on the bench singing the ABC's.  He paused to sign "I Love You" for PawPaw and GrandMissy.
(His teachers have asked me to come to the school on Fridays to teach all of the students (all 90 three and four year olds) the signs to "Silent Night."  I'm anxious to see how that goes!)

 Bubba is "so big!"
He usually does it with two arms, but didn't want to drop his apple today!

H was making apple prints with his apple core. 
 I'm sure the ants will love that sticky trail tonight!  

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


At least it was just chalk!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Grovin' it!

 We had another fun day on Saturday at the grove!  After a little bit of cold weather, we had a nice spring time kind of day!  Perfect for spending the day outside.  The boys are always excited to go.

 C saying "cheese!"  (sounds like "shhh")  
Everytime he wanted a sip of juice, he decided that he must go sit in his chair and lounge.

 The big boys enjoying their snacks! 
We played against Auburn - hence the orange and blue set up next to our tent.

 H and C both do pretty good entertaining themselves and staying in the area of our tent.  Of course we had to take a few walks, a few bathroom breaks, play with some of the toys we brought, have some snacks and then for H, the Innotab is a help!  A little something for when all of the other items lose their charm!  C is at the point where he doesn't venture too far from us, and H is at a point where he follows directions mostly well, so we can go places like the grove.  I'm not sure any of us would have had much fun last year.... 
(Two was a rough year for us.  Three is much better!  Not without its struggles, but much better!)

 We played with a little friends car while they were at the game.  The boys made many a trip up and down the path - taking turns riding and pushing.

 Henry (and his parents) came to party in our tent for a little while.  The boys had fun together, and Henry joined in the rotation on the little red car.  They also took a few trips in Henry's little red wagon!

Go Rebs!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


 I found this super cute pirate fabric at (of all places) Walmart last week, and just knew it needed to become pants for the boys!  I made them both in about an hour!  I used an existing pair of pants that fits them well as the pattern and they came together quickly.  I made sure to add an extra inch or two so I can lengthen them as the boys grow a little.  H's are basic, but C's have an extra heiny panel (to make room for that cooshy cloth diapered bottom)! Cute!  H actually has a puzzle with the same exact picture.

 "Okay, on the count of three run around like a wild animal and do whatever you can to make Mama go crazy!"  
(Don't you imagine they plot things like that regularly?)

 My sweet little sunkissed boy
His teacher told me that he has been super sweet at school lately - asking his buddies to hold their hands, give them a hug and play with them.  Maybe he's learned that you catch more flies with honey, as they say.

 He looks like he's up to something...
At the nursery where we go for the women's group on Wednesdays, they always call C "our favorite camper."  They tell me that he has to have his little blankie in one hand and his snack cup in the other hand.

Okay, Mama.  We're all done now.  
It's time to go inside!

I guess that's it for now!
