Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Growing Up

All of the sudden it seems to me like Harrison has grown! Other people were saying that he looks bigger, but I didn't see it. I just assumed it was because I see him all the time that I did not notice a big change. Last night I put his pajamas on him. The same pajamas that are loose and too long on him - or that have been too long and loose - and all of the sudden they seem to be the perfect size!

Another development is that he is becoming an expert at finding his fist. He has gotten the skill of putting his hand in the mouth and sucking on it. One morning I woke up and heard a strange sucking sound coming from the cradle next to the bed and discovered that somehow he had gotten his hand free from his swaddler and to his mouth! He is not successful with this all of the time, but is definitely becoming more proficient. I would much rather him suck on a pacifier though....

And - he smiled at me! Twice! He has been smiling since the day after he was born, but only in his sleep. Today, I came up to him and started talking and smiling to him, and he smiled back! This morning and tonight, so I know that it wasn't just an accident! If that doesn't make all of the sleep deprivation worth it, I don't know what does!

1 comment:

  1. I recognize the foot. The curved toe gave you away. I love picturing you with your camera and burp cloth near at hand all the time.
    Harrison, that looks like the best fist!

