Thursday, December 24, 2009

How we've been preparing for Christmas

We have been hiding from Santa...

 ....just in case he thinks we've been naughty....

Is learning to make faces naughty?

 If it makes your mama laugh?

Is reading books naughty?
While sitting in the book basket?

Is playing the piano naughty?
If you make pretty music?

There is no way this little one could be naughty!!!
 Merry Christmas!

Here is the nativity that I made this year.  I haven't been able to find a nativity that I liked - either too gaudy, or too expensive.  I saw one like this in an Etsy shop, and decided to give it a try.  It is made out of wool using the needle felting process.  It was a pleasure to make, and I am very pleased with the way it turned out!  Now they sit on our mantel on a needle felted leaf, and I think that they will stay well past the holiday season!

The whole group:

Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus

The wise men 

Two shepherds and an angel

May you be reminded of the precious moments that this scene depicts this Christmas...

1 comment:

  1. Janie, You're so good at giving your admirers a glimpse into your daily life. Thank you for the darling pictures of H-man with clever captions. And your sweet little nativity, so dear and so special. It has a good home with you. I love you, my daughter.

