Sunday, December 6, 2009

What we have been up to:

H is officially crawling now, and getting a little faster every day!  Therefore he has been getting into a lot more!  Pulling books off of shelves, going for Leonard's litter box (he's never made it there, and the room will soon be blocked off), he shows a particular interest in my sewing box, likes to pull up on the dishwasher, tries to play with the VCR, likes the trash can in the bathroom, pulls up and chews on the rosking chair handle, and the list goes on.  So, my question is this:  How does a mama of a crawler (or a walker) get anything done without losing her sanity and without keeping the baby in their crib all day?

Exhibit A:

H in 'jail' while I do the dishes

Exhibit B:

If you live somewhere that it snows often, don't laugh too hard!  Of course it melted before it touched the ground, but they were real snow flakes!!!  We had snow about like this two years ago, so it was very exciting!

Exhibit C:

 Monroe's Downtown Christmas Market:
What has been taking up a lot of my time for the past few weeks.... I had a booth set up with all of the wares from my Etsy shop:  pacifier clips, portable high chairs, shopping cart covers, stacking rings, pillows, cloth balls, nursing covers, scarves, bibs, burp cloths, onesies, slings, loveys, blankets, and more!  It was fun, and I met some wonderful women who are also mothers and crafters, but I was sooo cold by the end of the day.
N was super daddy again - getting me set up, taking care of H, bringing me lunch and baby, getting H to babysitters, and helping me sort it all out at the end of the day.  I am thankful for him!!!

Exhibit D:

I think that 'butt in the air' sleeping is simply the cutest sleeping of all!  Especially while using a stuffed animal as a pillow and with the blankie scrunched up under!  He looks so serious too!
This is how we all felt after yesterday!  This is how I feel everyday after chasing him around!


  1. Janie,
    The easiest way to deal with a mobile toddler is to put EVERYTHING three feet off the ground. Good luck.

  2. Oh I HATED worrying about the cat box. The only safe place we could come up with for ours was inside our bathroom, where we could keep the door shut, but there were still plenty of accidents... *shudder* ewwwie.

