Sunday, April 18, 2010

Easy weekend

Friday night, GrandMissy and Pawpaw came to watch H while N and I went on a date!!! A bit of an early birthday celebration. After supper, we walked and enjoyed this view:
It was nice to get out for a little while and have an adult conversation or two, and eat without cutting meat and veggies up into tee-tiny bites!

Relaxing after school:

Leonard puts up with a lot!

This reminded me of this picture from last Feb.
Now H is bigger than Leonard!
I miss that snuggly little lump of a baby, but I do love chasing after my busy baby now!


  1. Aww snuggly lump! That's a good way to put it. Maren was laying in my lap today and I was kissing her feet... mourning the fact that they won't be sweet, soft little baby feet for much longer. She has been so wiggly lately. I miss my snuggly lump, too.

    Yay for dates!

  2. Happy Birthday, Janie!
    Thank you for the story of your life you share with your fans on Trahan's Happenings.
    We love you three T's.

