Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Years!

 Why don't you come sit with us in our little patch of sunshine here in Oscar, Missiskippy (Oxford, MS) and have a New Years Picnic with us?  
We have some very good chefs on staff here! 

I made our little kitchen for H a couple of years ago, right after we moved here, and it has grown a little bit since then!  There is a lot more food, some more kitchen gadgets, and a refrigerator (bathroom medicine cabinet in excellent condition I found on the road side).  I had thought maybe H had outgrown the kitchen or was just done with it, but then C got really into in, and H is back into it again  - which made me very happy!

 Come on!  We will mix you up some desert, or fix you a plate from our overstuffed picnic basket!

 Protective headgear is a must in our kitchen!  You never know when something might go flying!

Our house now is a little limited on extra space, but the perfect spot for our little kitchen is nestled against the wall, a little bit up under the counter where C's seat hangs.  The boys' mail carrier also delivers there. 

 Take a seat!  Some little critters also decided to join us!  
A test for something that H likes is if he asks "Can I sleep with it?" Sometimes we have to say no, especially if it might prove messy or pokey.  His two blankies, Monkey Bar, Puffer, and Yellow Belly joined us for our picnic. 

 The boys put their aprons on when the real cooking started!  H made some delicious toast and coffee, and C whipped up some wonderful Petit Fours.  We will need to start a diet tomorrow!

Here's a sandwich for you!  Bread, cheese, jelly, peas, cucumber, some cow butter.  
Is it yummy or yucky?

We had some friends over for jambalaya and fireworks last night.  If I had gotten any good pictures, they would have been of H covering his ears and having a blast during fireworks, and C with his face buried in my neck and whimpering because he didn't like the noise and lights.  We had a great time, and I spent today the way I'd like to spend the rest of 2013 - quiet devotional time and a little run in the morning, and the rest of the day spent with my two favorite littles!  

Happy 2013!  

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I've had a picnic in the sun with your and your favorite littles. Thank you for sharing your lives.

