Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Rainbow Day Fun

 Yesterday was a rainy day, no school for H, and it was just nice to be home!  I told H that we were going to do a rainy day activity.  He called it our "rainbow day 'tivity."  We had fun!  I pulled out a colander and a handful of pipe cleaners (H called them fuzzy sticks) and we had a great time! 

 C was very serious about getting his pipe cleaners in the little holes.  C was having fun making shapes and designs with his, but eventually got into looping them into the holes. 

 We soon discovered the joys of spirals!  They go great on fingers, look fun stuck in the colander, and make cute antennae!
H's imagination started kicking in!  His pipe cleaners became peacock feathers, ladybug antennae for brother, a bracelet,

and spaghetti cooking in his collander "pot!"  
C loved the silly made up 'cooking spaghetti' song that H was singing.

I let the boys show SweetHart some of the joys of pipe cleaners while we were on facetime that afternoon.  They make great FaceTime props!  She was 'kind' enough to snap a screenshot of our silliness:

1 comment:

  1. You and your boys know how to have a good time! Ank you for letting me join you.

