Saturday, May 11, 2013

Pic a Day

The boys have been loving Ice Cream snacks! 
 (Mini cones with "Ice cream."  The ice cream is bananas, strawberries, cocoa powder and mini chocolate chips. )

 Fish in the water

 Getting ready for church...

 Trying out Tatum's new kennel.  
Our little doggie is growing!  He was 3 pounds when we got him, and now he is 16! He outgrew his old kennel.  (I highly recommend kennel training for dogs - I know when we are gone or asleep he is not tearing up the house, and now Tatum even goes into his kennel when it gets a little wild.)

 We made a little trip to Target (an hour away...)  The boys love their "steering wheels" (as H says).
They also got wands, and H calls them "straight lines."

 Climbing over at Clara Hartwell's.  H is the only one that can get to the top by himself. 

 The boys thought it was great to be in the seats together. 
H said "We're best friends up here!"

 At Chick-fil-a with buddies.  I climbed up to get a cute picture.  They thought it was funny that I was up there too!

Morning grapes and special milk picnic with Puffer.  

1 comment:

  1. We love Pic a Day! Your days look like so much fun. Reminds me of pictures I have in my mind of you and KK 30 years ago.

