Tuesday, July 29, 2014


 Somehow, with two boys, we have never made it to the ER before now!  
Last week, H had a little touch of croup, and then two days later C had a little touch of croup.  But for C, the usual tricks we use for croup were not doing their trick and it was getting worse and worse until he really just was not able to breathe. 

 First thing in the morning we went to our little clinic, and they gave him a breathing treatment, but there was no improvement, so they sent us to the ER.  

 This is the part where C was getting upset...
After another breathing treatment, lots of steriods, and lots of doctors monitoring and checking on him, he was not happy! 
I am thankful for sweet nurses, insurance, iPads, blankies and brothers. 
The official diagnosis was Reactive Airway Disease which is basically an asthma attack.  It was scary, but for our first ER trip, it wasn't too terrible.

 After all of the treatments and steroids were over, C was happy and could breathe again!  He was a trooper, and H was a great big brother.

 A little while after we got home, C pulled out his doctor kit and started to give me a check up, using a lot of the same methods and language that his doctors used that morning.  A good way to process it all!

Breathing treatments are tolerated much better at home!
Quack, quack! 

1 comment:

  1. You are such a good mommy! Cute nebulizer. Ours is totally boring.

