Thursday, July 30, 2015

Shreveport. part 2: SciPort

After we left the hotel, we went to a big hands-on science fun place in Shreveport called SciPort.  It was huge and awesome!  So much to see and do.

 There was a big air pressure ball game, 

 Story time with turtles to pet, 

 A planetarium where we toured the galaxy, 

 Electricity and electric circuits to experiment with,

 Exposures to have fun with, 

 Boats to "drive" and other water play, 

Airplanes and air pressure to play with, 

And so much more!
I think we need to go again!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Shreveport, part 1

We decided to squeeze in one more little trip this summer.  We made a quick trip over to Shreveport to see cousins and have a little fun!

  Our first stop was AirU, an indoor trampoline park.  
It was just fun for them to be able to run, jump, flip, and slam into the walls! 

 The boys loved the trampoline runway and the big foam pit.
You pay for an hour at a time, which at first I thought was a little short.  After about 45 minutes the boys had worn themselves out and were asking to leave!

Next stop was a HOTEL!!!!  That right there was probably the highlight of the trip!  They were so excited that there was a microwave, and refrigerator, two beds with covers(!!!), and a bathroom with a blowdryer(!!!)!!!  It was so exciting!
 Some of our cousins came to swim with us in the hotel pool while we were there.  It is always to good to see family!

 Sleeping beauties.  

And then there was the breakfast! 
 C snuck some of the butter while I was getting coffee, and there were pancakes, Fruit Loops, yogurt, chocolate milk, and eggs (the boys ate a little bit of each), and more!

 The boys did a little bed hopping 
(I'm not sure if that makes me a good or bad Mama that I allowed it to happen...)

Mohawk wearing, peace loving Cool Dudes at the pool!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Oxford Trip

 We hopped in the car to take a little road trip to visit friends and places in Oxford.  
The boys are good travelers and did great with their tablets with headphones (and because of the headphones I was able to listen to some audio books while driving which I loved!)

 We stayed with our good friends and the boys loved their Barbie Jeep!
Their driving was a little rocky at first, but they got a little better at driving as our visit went on. 

 They finally had the sleepover together that they've been trying to have all summer.  
I think they were finally tired enough to be able to go to sleep in the same bed. 

 They have taken an interest in helping me get gas.  
Turning into little gentleman (when they want to be).

 We headed to Cloud 9 ( a bounce house place) and they loved jumping, running, and playing games.

 They loved playing with our friends,

 and swimming, 

 and hunting for fireflies (C calls them "glow up bugs" or "flyer flies.")

We had a great visit and loved visiting all of our old spots, but I know the boys (and the dog) were so happy to be back home sleeping in their own beds.  

Monday, July 20, 2015

Summer Snapshots

 Some of my favorite things to look at! 
H often insists that he should always have blue things, and C have green because of the colors of their eyes.  And that he likes brown things like chocolate because his hair is brown.  

 We learned the important lesson this summer that glitter glue does not go in hair....
Thankfully not too difficult to remove, but still...

 The boys continue to be very well worn out by the end of each day.  
Some good sleeping going on!

Summer days at home are also good for lazing around.  These three are like magnets.  Even if I get them all going on their own thing, without fail, after a few minutes they will be back together.

Swimming fun.
(H has developed an enjoyment of photo bombing, even in the pool.)

 Days that we do a lot of swimming wears the boys out too!

 Lunch with friends.
C sandwich!  It is fun to see how the boys friendships are changing and maturing as they grow up.  He and Alex were having some very good conversations that day.

They love to see their other "friends" when we go to Old Navy.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Summer fun

 A little library reading.  

 Smoothie mustaches.  They thought they were hilarious.

 Laying out by the pool.  The boys are becoming such good swimmers.

Sometimes the boys show interest in exercising with me.  H made it all the way through a yoga workout with me, and C made it a few minutes into some exercise and decided he was too tired.... 

Tatum loves having us home so much!  C likes to wrestle with him, H likes to play tug of war with him, and Tatum likes it all, especially his morning walk (and then has to spend about 6 hours recovering with some hard sleep!)

I am totally loving the boys nabi cam!  I love these underwater pictures!

Saturday, July 11, 2015


H is off to VBS again!  He loves it, and I am so proud of him for going and having a great time regardless of if he has any buddies there.  He loves the music, and comes back so excited about what he is learning.  C and me sneak into their worship assemblies so that C feels like he can participate too.  H is not a big one for doing all of the moves.  

 Then me and C run errands or go home to get a little work done
 or to fly on mamas feet into outer space

 or slide down the hall on pillows while wearing mama's pj pants....

On Friday the parents were invited to come see what the kids had learned.  C wanted to give H a five and fist bump before the program started. 

H, during his performance.  I could tell he would get into it and then get a little distracted, but he did a good job. 

They had a hamburger lunch after the program, and the boys had a good time, and C was so excited that he found a heart chip in his bag! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Fourth Weekend in snapshots

 A little morning snail collecting

 Fireworks getting
(Some tough choices were made here)

 Sparkler fun!
These boys love fireworks!

 Our neighbor brought out her drone, and the boys had a great time chasing it! 

 And some shaving?
Because what else will you do on a Friday night??
Soap suds and toy shavers make for a fun night!

 C was very excited to be wearing H's 'Merican flag t-shirt, and was proud of the flag he drew.

 Before the color water balloon fight with friends

 After the fight

 We made some homemade cinnamon rolls for friends, family, and neighbors, and C discovered that he likes to eat butter....

Afternoon snuggles with this sweet one.  He is so often so busy, that it is nice to catch him in at a sweet and calm time.

And this...
