Friday, July 3, 2015

Mama Camp

We've started having Mama Camp on days that we stay home and don't have an adventure or event planned.  Mama Camp consists of a quick kid-friendly Bible verse, a little music/dance time and a craft.  The boys have started to wake up and ask if we can do Mama Camp each day.  They like it, and it gives me a chance to pull out all of the little crafts that I've seen on Pinterest throughout the year but didn't have time to do!  And it keeps us all from driving each other crazy!

Here are some of the Mama Camp activities that we have done:

 We did salt painting this day.  Where you "draw" a design with glue, cover it in salt, and then paint it with water colors.  It is neat to watch the way the paint moves in the salt.  

 H did his letter and a butterfly and a dragonfly.  
I did the sun.
C did his "nummer" (letter) and the ?.

 Playing tenzi's 
Fun game.  H was interested in getting all of his dice to the same number fast so he could win. 
C was interested in getting his dice perfectly lined up.  But we all had fun!

 We made "pinch pots" with Sculpey clay one day.  The boys had fun making them.  H had seen a picture of someone making pottery and was very interested in making dishes. C wanted to put his tiny cars in his bowl.  H wanted to put his rings in his, and I put all of our thumbprints in my heart dish.

H painted the "tree behind our house."
C painted a "spiky elephant."

 Two boys and a box.
They turned it into a rocket ship.
H's favorite button is the "crazy button" that makes the rocket ship "bump all over the place."

 C and Tatum think they are litter mates.  They love to play, snuggle, and wrestle together.  The feelings seems to be mutual.

 Upside down Lego Building technique.  

Tongue depresser catapults. They got extra points if they could catapult the pom-pom into their bilibo.

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