Thursday, February 11, 2010

Turning ONE!

H will turn ONE on Tuesday, but I know next week will be a little crazy, so I thought I would go ahead and write about what some of his little happenings are.

Food: loves apples, crackers and carrots, and any pureed food. Water.
Enjoys hummus and yogurt.
Does not like Gerber 3rd foods. Doesn't like cooked veggies. Tolerates juice. He doesn't get many sweets, but he does like them - especially ice cream!

Words: Understands the signs for Leonard, Mama, Daddy, milk, food, change diaper and finished.
He signs finished and monkey.
He says 'quack, quack."

Things he likes: his blankie!!! reading, ducks, cars, his Littpe People farm (especially the cow), going places, having family close by, Daddy coming home, bathtime.

Things he doesn't like: saying bye-bye, having his face/hands cleaned....

Things he does: circles my legs while I am doing the dishes or putting on makeup, jumps up and down in his crib when he wakes up.

A year ago, he was just a little bundle of baby blob - and now, he can do so much!!!


  1. Great Grandmother Mema would say H has a million dollar smile! I love all his faces.

  2. That top pic is my absolute favorite Harrison photo EVAAAAH. Love it!

  3. The first photo of him is priceless!! How often can you capture that look!

    Interestingly, many likes and dislikes are the same as my 18months old when she was 1 year old, some things she outgrew, some thing she doesn't..

  4. What a big boy! Happy birthday, H!

