Thursday, February 25, 2010

Birthday Boy!

This little boy had a wonderful birthday! Lots of family, friends and excitement! He loves people! He spent most of the time being passed from person to person and playing with the big kids. He was great too! I've seen some little ones have a melt down with all of the excitement and attention, and H was great unless we tried to make him walk, and he really didn't want to open the presents...

Hey! It's my party!

Being loved by GrandMissy

This was too sweet not to put in - our friends Ben and Heidi and their three kids. I still want to crawl up in my Daddy's lap like that sometimes! You always feel safe and loved there!
Nanny and Gretchen there too!

Presents! He gave just about every gift a taste test.
I think they all passed!

The cake passed the taste test too! We stripped him down and let him at it. He surprisingly didn't make a huge mess!
He also learned the joy of licking the plate at his party!

Stop teasing me!

Grandmother love!

Start your engines!
He looks like he's getting ready to race someone here. H spent what seemed like 20 minutes after the party making the rounds on his walker.

Four generations

Parents and grandparents
Can you tell he's getting tired?

That's it, y'all! I'll be taking my nap now!

We planned his party so that it would be between his morning and afternoon nap, and after all of the excitement, pictures, cake, presents and attention, he was definitely ready to be in his bed!

Singing happy birthday - it's difficult to hear in the video, but he was singing along with us. He liked the singing, but he really liked it when everyone clapped!
I couldn't figure out how to get the video turned the right way, so, my apologies if your neck hurts after watching it sideways!

Maybe we can wait a little while before planning birthday number two....

1 comment:

  1. My friends at work love sharing in H's daily life. Liz says she feels like she knows him.
    Fun for me to enjoy him with them.

