Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fish, please!

Every time we go to the grocery store, I make sure to have a small stash of treats for H - most often goldfish. Towards the end of our trip, when he starts to get antsy I slowly give them to him. This week when we went, he ran out before we were finished with our shopping. He then began to plead with all of the other shoppers, signing "fish, please!" They all thought he was waving to them and were immediately smitten by the friendly little boy. Little did they know that he was begging for goodies!

Here is a video of him signing "fish, please." We see this many times a day in the form of "pacifier/ food/ice cream/cracker/etc, please" He also normally signs "thank you when he gets it. So, he minds his "p's and q's"

1 comment:

  1. 3 Harts are rolling on the floor with laughter after watching the video about 15 times. Thanks for the medicine!

