Thursday, June 24, 2010

Walk tall and carry a big stick

I am not exactly sure where the phrase "walk tall and carry a big stick" came from, or what exactly it means - but something to the effect of be confident, and this boy is that!

This little boy must always carry a stick in one hand and rock in the other when we are outside. Yesterday he found a huge stick and was happily pointing at things with it and using it as a walking stick. We have a pile of sticks and rocks by our door where we take them out of his hands. (He screams every time we do this!)

Last night when I was taking a shower, he brought me the toilet plunger and 4 used diaper wipes.

He likes to eat his grapes by sticking his fingers in them (think wearing olives on your finger tips) and eats them like that.

While he most of the time tells me and Daddy that he loves us and gives us brief kisses, he always tells Leonard he loves him and gives him BIG kisses.

I gave a little stool that came with the house a face-lift today. Painted the legs, new cushion and fabric. I came in and found that someone had claimed it for himself:

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