Friday, October 15, 2010

Bop and Wawar

Bop and Wawar = Pop and SweetHart

They're here! They came to visit us, and as we were waiting for them to pull up, H and I went on a little bike ride. Once he saw them, he giggled and giggled and giggled - like he couldn't believe they were really here!!!

Mmmm, ice cream

A little post-dessert wrestling

A little Sesame Street - I think SweetHart was enjoying it the most!

After Sesame Street, it was off to Avent Park (our favorite park here) for a little play time.

Then, we headed back home for some lunch, a nap, and then after naptime H helped SweetHart and Pop with a little yardwork (they were helping us bring some order to an unruly yard)

All that yard work wore him out???

Doing some manly work

Bike ride around the neighborhood

A little afternoon-outside story time

H normally only watches one show a day (if he watches at all) but today after all of the excitement of having four adults to entertain (hard work for a little guy) he needed to decompress with some Fraggle Rock (and blankie and Elmo)

Whew! What a day! He's dreaming about what we'll do tomorrow!


  1. Hee hee!! I love all these pictures... your parents are so sweet! :)

  2. Glad they came to visit. The last picture of your dad looks so much like my dad that I got a little teary. Hug them both from us.

