Friday, April 8, 2011

Stars, stripes, ovals and bumble bees

Stars and stripes! Watching "street" (sesame street) in his striped pj shirt and star "unnies" (undies) isn't it a cute heiny?

"Hi, people!"
We took a walk around the square today and H got sidetracked by some stairs, then he got sidetracked by the passersby and was waving and saying "hi, people!" Definitely a social little boy, and definitely his father's son!

Spring is here! 88 degrees today and flowers popping up all around - these little purple ones are by our front door.

He took a little break from bumble bee watching to look at a "copper" (helicopter)

And kick the "oval" ( our neighbors gave him a football and he keeps calling it an oval - not quite the right name, but at least we know that he knows his shapes!)

Picking leaves and bark

"Wummel wee, rye here" (bumble bee, right here)
Our azaleas are blooming too!

"says beeeeeeee" (it says bzzzz)

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