Sunday, November 13, 2011

Reading Rodeo Round-Up

Our local library (which we love!!!) had a Reading Rodeo Round Up this weekend. It was sort of during nap time, but we just had to go! I put the boys down a little early for their naps so we could make it. Our library is great. They have Toddler Time every Friday and Miss Nancy (the childrens librarian) and Mr. John (the awesome puppet show actor) are rock stars in our house! And they put up with H asking about every five minutes if there is a puppet show that day.

There was a cute little pony named Popcorn.
H kept trying to get everyone to give her some hay to eat.

Watching all of the activities.
He is at a stage where he seems to prefer to watch what is going on instead of participating.

Daddy lassoing.

Roasting marshmallows with Daddy and Mr. John

I think this marshmallow made the whole afternoon worth it!
H's favorite snack these days is a little cup full of cereal, raisins and a few marshmallows.

Story time got a little interesting with a s'more in one hand, baby in the sling, brother leaning against you, and a puppy trying to lick the crumbs off of brothers face...

That's a little better!

Coloring a horse.
When H colors with markers, he likes to take out all of the colors he wants, take off all of the caps, then color. He took a little convincing to understand that this was not the best place to do that.

"We go home and seep, seep, seep and then....we go to puppet show!!!"

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