Saturday, June 2, 2012

Yokna Bottom Farms

A local farm, Yokna Bottom Farm, had a 'family fun day' this afternoon.  So, after naps, we loaded everyone up in PawPaw's truck and headed down the road.  

The boys enjoyed sitting next to each other and looking at each other, giving each other fives, making silly faces and sounds and just being silly. 

Once we got there, there were chickens to check out, all sorts of crops to  check out (tomatoes, jalapenos, fennel, herbs, tomatoes, bee hives (!!!) and more), music to listen to, friends to talk to...
There was a large area of black berry bushes.  We spent awhile picking them, watching out for pricklies, ant hills, and poison ivy, and picking more berries.  PawPaw got the most, I think, because he was brave enough to go into one patch of bushes to find the good ones!  Based on our blueberry picking experience and how C liked to reach for leaves and berries, me and C just watched.  I didn't want him picking any thorns!

H was very protective of our stash!  He didn't want anyone else to hold the berries, either!  By the time we left, he had some pretty purple fingers.  The berries were a little small, and a little tart, so I might cook them up and make an ice cream topping or jam... any thoughts?

 The next activity was potato digging.  It was sort of funny to watch all of these little and big kids trying to navigate the ridges of the field.  What a fun experience!  Half of the potatoes dug up were to be taken to the local food bank, and the other half could go home with the people.  We now have some beautiful red, white, and purple potatoes to look forward to.  Yum!


Washing hands off from the well by the chicken coop after digging in the dirt.  

 They had some colorful hula hoops to play with.  Both boys had their own way of playing with them....

We didn't have to rock these babies to sleep tonight!  I probably won't need to be rocked to sleep either...

Now, we just need to figure out what to do with all of our blueberries, black berries and potatoes that we picked, and the plums and squash from our neighbors yards.... Recipes, anyone?

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