Wednesday, December 18, 2013


 The Santa hats came out this week and have been frequently worn!  
Santa's helpers doing the Advent Calendar.  H still insists that every ornament is for Baby Jesus' enjoyment in some way.

 The Santa outfit C wore last year still fits!  
(I don't feel like he's that small, but he is definitely petite compared to his classmates!)

 A little painting - serious business!  C did a surprisingly good job keeping the paint just on the snowman.

 H had a game plan and design in mind for his painting. He even ended up with some paint on his face! 
(C has never really been one for putting things in his mouth (aside from his paci). But H always has been since he was born! Fingers, things, paci, blankies, stuffed animals, shirt sleeves, etc.  His paci has been gone for a couple of years now, but everything else still makes its way in! I wish there was an easy way to overcome that... )

A little bit of peace after a long day! 
We've all been battling cold/sinus symptoms and I had my school music programs that day, so we were all worn out!  The nabi's afforded us all a few moments of peace!  Sometimes a little screen time is so worth it!  (Tatum doesn't mind the extra pats either!)

1 comment:

  1. Seriously. Screen time saves my bacon some days. I love C's big huge cheeks!

