Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter warm-up

I had a few extra minutes while I was running an "official school business" errand and was able to swing by the boys school for their Easter party and Egg Hunt.

I got to spend a few minutes with H's class while they sang songs, did a few Easter activities, and ate ice cream sundaes!  (H was so very excited for the cherries and sprinkles!  Who cares about ice cream...)

H with the Easter bunny.  Cute!
H said the bunny was cozy.  C said "I'm scared to that bunny."  Remember how much C loves (is terrified of) the big Chick-fil-A cow and the Chuckee Cheese Mouse?

C's class was having their party later in the day, but I was able to see the egg hunt.  So cute!
His class, getting ready to go outside.
I got there just as they were reviewing shapes and counting to twenty.
"Put a finger on your lip, and a hand on your hip!"

Lining up on the bench to get their Easter basket.
C's Easter stamp artwork is on the wall right behind him.

His teacher, Miss Jessica, said "1-2-3, GO!" and they all took off running for the fence on the opposite side.  I don't think they had any idea what they were doing.  Finally one child put an egg in their basket and then the others got the idea.  Can you find C in the picture?

Finding eggs.

Look at my egg!

 Checking out his eggs with his buddies.

Just getting ready for the egg hunts to come this weekend!

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