Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Army crawl no more!

H and Stella (during their visit he stole both her sock and pacifier)

H and AvaLee (He kept trying to grab her face!)

So, we are still working on our social etiquette.

We went to Alabama to visit N's brother and sister-in-law, sister, nieces, and grand niece!
We had a great time, and H reached a new milestone - crawling! We realized that it was easier to do the army crawl here on our hard wood floors because he would just slide, but there they had carpet and he would get stuck if he tried the army crawl, so.... he had to crawl! It's pretty cute! It still takes a little bit of effort, but he can get around!

1 comment:

  1. AK says he caught the squeeky train. We just love his excited voice when he crawls. We're catching the next flight to your house.

