Friday, September 2, 2011

A few more wild things:

Guess who picked out his own clothes today?
And dressed himself (with very little help)?

I love the critters who come out in the fall here! I don't so much love the ones that come out in the spring/summer - they tend to bite or sting. But fall ones are just fun to look at!
An alive katydid. They make a horrendous noise if you get too close to them. It scares me every time I do!

And a stick bug! So cool!

Yesterday was one of those days - I felt great because we got everyone ready and went to the park with a great snack, and even went by Daddy's office for a quick visit. But then we came home and it was one of those potty training disaster days where H went through about 4 pair of undies in an hour, C was crying because he was hungry. then had a major diaper, all while I kept rushing H to the potty or changing table, and I was hungry, H was hungry and tired, C needed a nap too.... and then after H woke up, he woke up feeling very "TWO." Very trying, and he would be telling me what naughty thing he was doing while he was doing it, and I spent the whole day smelling like spit-up (and probably tee-tee).... It was a long day for Mama!

Then, last night, he randomly came up to me, hugged my leg and said "I wuv you!" And later when I was putting his jammies on him, he was kissing all of my freckles "better." If that didn't help fix my opinion of the day (it did), C sleeping sweetly on my chest that night surely did!

So, just reminding myself (and whoever might need a reminder) that even on those days where it seems like one awful thing happens after the other, there will be those sweet little moments that make it all worth it!

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