Thursday, December 15, 2011

Six Months

 I cannot believe that this little boy is six months old!  I know that I have been with him every day of those six months, but it has gone so quickly that I feel like I've missed some.  He has been such a joy and such a fun addition to our family.  He has been strong and chubby since day one! 

 He is very expressive and likes to smile. He will stare at someone until he gets their attention and then will grin.  No one can get him smiling and laughing like his big brother can, though. 

He has started sitting up on his own this week.  I love when babies can sit up.  They seem happier, and it is a little easier for Mama too!

 I love the rolls on this stocky little boy!  At his last check up, he was in the 90th percentile for weight (18 pounds) and 17th for height (24 inches).  We've got short and stocky down!  He is already in 9-12 month size clothes.

He's coming around to food (again).  He was very happy about his first couple of meals, but then decided food wasn't all that exciting.  But now he likes it again.  He likes sweet potatoes and apples the most.  Bananas are pretty good.  He doesn't really like peas or pears.  

 He is very curious and determined.  He will roll himself this way and that way until he gets himself close to what he wants, and then he will try to ooch himself up to it.

He is still very attached to his blankie - he must have it to sleep with.  He  needs his paci to fall asleep, but otherwise doesn't really want it.

(If you look closely, C is just on his hand and toes - his belly is off of the floor)
He has started getting up on his knees and doing the yoga plank pose.  I am glad that he is sitting and rolling, but I don't know if I'm quite ready for crawling.

C has a husky little voice.  I look forward to hearing what it sounds like when he talks.

C likes patting things - the floor, toys, whoever is holding them - anything!

Rolling a little bit.  
This boy likes to move! He gets really squirmy if you hold him.  He is happiest rolling on the floor.
Sesame Street and H cheering C on in the background.

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