Wednesday, November 28, 2012


 I found these two silly little things at a children's sale for a great price and thought I would get them for the boys.   I didn't know if the boys would like them, but they love them, and once I started taking pictures of them using them, I realized just how much they use them.  It is a bilibo, and can basically be whatever you want it to be. 
 H watching his show, brother just wanted to be close.  Sitting in them like this takes some balance and coordination.  It is fun to sit in them and just move this way and that. 

 C has discovered what a great stool it can be.  He carries it all around the house to climb up and see.  He takes it to check out what is on the counter, to look out the windows, to check on Daddy while he is still sleeping....

 Another stool use.  He really wanted to be on the couch or chairs like big brother but just wasn't quite tall enough.  He discovered that with the bilibo, he can get up there.  So now we have to make sure he knows how to get down safely...

 They are great for loading up with toys to carry from point A to B.  This time they were rolling their balls around in it.  (The orange ball in H's bilibo is actually C's.  When they are both playing with the same kind of item, C always lets H have the bigger one.  They both have a ball, but H has the bigger one.  When they play with our cymbals, C lets H use the bigger set.  He doesn't object to it. )

 Watching a show.  C likes to put it upside down and tuck one edge of it up under the TV stand. 

 Today H told me, "Look Mama, I'm a turtle!"  and then C tried to step on his back...

They also make great hats!  They have two little holes that H likes to use as a mask, C looks like he's trying to protect himself (from brother?).

I will look forward to seeing what these two come up with next!

1 comment:

  1. I know a great grandmother who is going to love this post. It's passed the grandparent test. Cute boys.

