Tuesday, November 13, 2012

SweetHart and KK, Part 2

 I'm sure I was as excited as the boys were to have them here!  I barely restrained myself from taking SweetHart by the hand and giving her a tour and showing her every single detail about our home too!  It feels so good to have family close by!  Especially my Mama and sister (and Daddy when he can make it!).

 More projects!  I don't feel like we do as many projects as I'd like - sometimes because it is too extensive to set up and clean up, and because C can't always participate, etc... So I know that H enjoyed having someone to give him undivided attention and do a project with him while brother was happily occupied by Mama or KK.

 KK, you in there?
H used to do this when he was younger, and it is so cute to see C do it now to.  They only do it to KK, though.  She's pretty special!

A little while ago, SweetHart sent us a geode (rock with crystals in it) to crack open, and it just never happened.  When they came to visit, KK wanted to see H at his school, and we thought the geode might be a fun thing to do with the kids.  Mama is a nature educator/liaison/ambassador and gave a fun little presentation to the kids. 
 She talked to them about geologists, experiments, and geodes.  They looked at one we had cracked that morning with magnifying glasses.

 We brought some wooden hammers so the kids could all take a turn trying to crack the geode.  It was very difficult, so SweetHart had to go outside to the concrete to give it a good whack with a real hammer. 

 While they were waiting for her to come back with the geode, KK read a book to the class. 

 Then, after they inspected the newly cracked geode under the magnifying glass, it was time to go!  H was line leader that day. 

 H showed them his artwork from school

We had a cold and rainy afternoon, so we put back on our Halloween costumes and went trick or treating through the house.  The boys were so happy to go to the bedrooms, bathrooms, and office and get candy in their bags again (the same candy that they got on Halloween night).  This was so much fun, and such a great rainy day activity.  We might just have to do this again!

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