Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's begun!

 The Christmas season is officially here!  I know it has already started for some, but I just couldn't do anything Christmasy until it was December.  So, we are now ready!  This morning we went to pancakes with Santa at one of the local churches.  I don't have their picture with Santa (they will be sending us an official one) but our Santa encounter included C screaming and a stunned H telling Santa he wanted chicken for Christmas (???).  They were not at their best...And Santa was tall and thin - I'm not sure how that man was chosen, but they didn't ask me!

 The boys enjoyed their pancakes and sausage, but what they loved best was the candy on the table! 
H got his candy cane and said it was a hook like "Jovis"  (Joseph) used to hook his sheep!

 C stayed a little nervous until we had left the room that Santa was in and then got happy again. He didn't want to get anywhere near that man!

 After naps we headed over to the Grove at Ole Miss for Tuba Christmas.  
A lovely concert of holiday music played by brass. 

 H wanted to pose for the picture.  He enjoyed dancing around, watching the other people and eating his snacks. 

Some of the boys buddies were there and after the concert they enjoyed chasing each other around.  

We started the Christmas season off with a bang!  We also decorated the house a little this morning.  I think just like Halloween, Christmas will also be more exciting this year because H is so excited about it all. 

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